Kingdom of Rumia-Ruins and chaos

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This is one of my first stories that have a more to person feel and deep connection to the character
Hope you have fun

"I gaze upon the sky, near my huge mansion, right outside the great walls of the castle I've grown up in"

"I haven't done serious work nor have I worked hard in my life to ever achieve what I have, maybe I was too spoiled and didn't think of life this way. I thought that life was simple for us Royals. That we make no mistakes"

"of course Not everyone can be satisfied. I've lived here as long as I can remember. I didn't really interfere with the matters of the Crown. Since my dad belittled me for being a Woman. But he still loved me very much. I didn't have the time to attend in schools either. Always tutored home. In fear that something might happen to me. Dad has always been overprotective. Mum on the other hand, She was always strict. Always tried not to spoil me too much she knew the struggles of poverty and tried to bring me to reality"

"I was happy as long as I could see the sunset. Under a Room that I could sleep in and I could rest for a bit. I was used to royal life anyways. That fateful day I was walking by the garden with the golden trees. 3 men standing outside of the Fortified gate. I was staring at them trying to understand what they were trying to do. I didn't think of it much and returned inside. My father who was passing by heard his name shouted. One of them men had climbed over the edge of the wall and ran into our direction. He took out a crossbow and shot my father. The death was instant. The arrow had pierced through his heart. I ran over to his cold body shouting, crying, begging for him to get up. I got no response. I was in shock and disbelief. I geuss that's what reality was all about. Looking up I saw the same man running towards me. Holding a knife he immediately rushed Infront of me and tried to stab me. He was however stopped at the last moment. And there he stood. My knight having blocked the attack with his body armor. At that moment when I looked at him. I felt a feeling of relief I lost consciousness right after"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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