018: oops

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I was supposed to take the week off but, alas, here I am.

Anyways I prewrote a couple chapters and imma be honest Atticus is a really sexual person. I didn't elaborate on that in the first book because of all the shit he was going through. However, the second REALLY bring out his personality because he's happy now💀💀💀

Josiah is asexual which is why I think they are the perfect dynamic. Despite dating they're still leaning towards enemies in the enemies to lovers trope.

Enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers

Anyways it's funny because Josiah thinks it's cute 💀💀💀

To get Josiah perfect (because I'm not on the aspec so i had no idea what i was doing) I interviewed my asexual friend so I didn't accidentally include stereotypes (ew).

She said Atticus' personality was cute.

Anyways like I was saying be aware Atticus is basically a whore 💀

so is our chaotic hollis but they're going through shit right now give them time. Trust me, Hollis eventually stops hiding themself.

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