Smart with math

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3rd persons POV
Marcy Wu didn't really understand love, she's only had two crushes before.

Once when she was five, but when she tried to talk to them, they ran from her.

Literally ran from her.

And the second time was when she was ten, this peace corps girl.

She liked her so much she waited for hours inside her tent of flowers, but she was only laughed at, which was not a fond memory of Marcy's since she cried that day.

Now that she's thirteen, she gave up on love, since it was a waste of time, instead she focused on her decision of being a mathematician, it was her biggest dream.

And because math was real, unlike love, in her opinion.

She had memorized a lot of pi, like an embarrassing amount to the average person, but she didn't care.

She loved math because additions and subtractions and division would never make her feel so stupid, with love.


Marcy paced in her room trying to understand why everyone obsessed over love.

"Like I don't get it,"

She didn't get it somehow.

She groaned and fell backwards into her bed, she was smart with math but so stupid with love.


She didn't get it, she didn't get it...

"I didn't get it... Til' now." She muttered to herself as she sat at her desk with her head in her hands, while staring at the girl in front of her.

The brunette turned around and asked, "Hey, Marcy, do you have an eraser?"

Marcy didn't hear anything that came out of the other girls mouth since she was too focused fawning over her, "I would love to, Anne..."

Anne raised an eyebrow and awkwardly chuckled, thinking that Marcy made a joke she was too dumb to understand.


Marcy thanked math for being there to bring her joy when nothing else could.

"And thank you math for bringing me this cute girl." Marcy said in adoration.


"Is it two?" Anne asked and tilted her head at her math partner.

"Yes!" Marcy exclaimed in excitement as her eyes lit up and Anne smiled at the sight.


"She's like someone from TV," Marcy fawned as Sasha shook her head at her friend.

"She's like that girl who gives out roses to those women, you know?" Marcy said and was already imagining it.

She could see it already.

Anne fixed her tux and ran a hand through her hair before gently grabbing Marcy's hand and pressing a soft kiss on it, before slowly pulling away and presenting her a rose.


She's just amazing! Her clothes, her neatness, just her...

And she was just a foot away from Marcy, as they chatted.

With swoopy hair, and shiny brown eyes that Marcy could swim in.

Anne is live and in this exact room that Marcy was in.


Marcy sat at her desk and stared at Anne, who was paying attention to the class, which Marcy also should've been doing, but it was hard to when she was stupid with love.

She wanted to get it.

She wanted to get love after all these years, but how?

Marcy sighed under breath, she was smart with math but so stupid with love.

She wanted to get it.

She didn't get it 'til now.


The teacher talked away before turning to the class and asking a question.

"Two over zero is undefined!" Anne and Marcy said at the same time which made them turn to each other.

"Jinx." Anne said with a playful smile which made Marcy slightly laugh.

Marcy stared at Anne with loving eyes, she was astounded and bewildered.


Marcy and Anne were working on a math problem together, and somewhere along the way, they completely forgot about the math and just chatted with each other.

Anne leaned closer to Marcy, filling her personal space which made her flush red, but it didn't last long since Anne leant back and flexed her arms jokingly.

"Do you work out?" Marcy asked and tilted her head.

She must've, it seemed that way at least.

Anne blushed slightly and lowered her arm down and nodded quietly.

Marcy grinned, she wasn't the only one blushing now, although she knew Anne was most likely blushing from embarrassment, she still decided otherwise.


For Marcy, school used to be rough and she dreaded going.

But now?

It's not so bad.

'Cause now there's Anne, it's all so simple.


Marcy knew she was stupid with love, but she can get it.

"Watch this girl self-educate." She said and pointed at herself.

Sasha snorted and said, "Wow, learning about love... okay yeah, that's valid actually."

"I finally get it! I learned math so I could learn love!" Marcy said with a grin.

Marcy spun around and looked at Sasha, "You wanna bet it?"

"Bet what?"

"That I can get it?"

Sasha shook her head to herself before shrugging.

"Just you wait! I'll learn love, just wait!"

"Just wait."

Sasha laughed softly but nodded, "Okay, I'll wait."

The end...

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