Chapter 1: a suffering soul

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    A few months after the incident at the citadel and the cacao kingdom was picking up the pieces of its past looking for a better future. It was about to hit winter for the snow-

kingdom and dark cacao was watching his warriors train. Earlier he had taught them some training techniques. The look on their face reminded the warrior of the past, but although the king was striving to improve, something was still off about the primed warrior.

Caramel arrow had finished an expedition mission and was heading to report the results to the king. They had met ginger brave and crew on the way seeking to give the cacao king another letter from pure vanilla. She knocked on the door waiting for a response from the older cookie.

¨You may enter¨ The cacao king answered.

She walks in kneeling reporting to the king. ¨The expedition was a success, sir. The monsters of the licorice sea have retreated.¨ the archer stood reaching into her pocket. ¨a message from pure vanilla cookie sir.¨ she walked over to the king handing it to him. The king opened the letter reading it.

¨My dear dark cacao,

Hello dear friend, as I drink I realized it's been a while since we last talked in person hasn't it.

Although I do enjoy our letters, I long to hear your voice. I was planning a get-together so we could catch up for a few days.

Also, I hear you have a son. It would be lovely to meet him, wouldn't it? I bet he is a strong warrior as you aren't he.

As well, Hollyberry and golden cheese should be attending so we should have a Jolly time, shouldn't we? I hope they are ok.

I'm looking forward to seeing you again hopefully.

Ps. I'm learning a bunch of new dishes some not too sweet hopefully you will enjoy them when i see you next.¨

A saddened smile stained dark cacao's face. ¨typical pure vanilla¨ he sighed.

¨ Sir I don't mean to put in but...¨ she sighs, biting her tongue. ¨you seem a little stressed are you alright.¨

¨yes I am caramel arrow go get the crunchy chip and prepare transportation we are heading to the vanilla kingdom.¨

¨yes sir¨ she says, deciding it best to not pry in the king's personal life.

No pov

The cacao king decided to sit at his desk preparing to write the vanilla king back letting him know that he will attend. But the thoughts hold him hostage, thoughts about his actions at the citadel , the strawberry jam sword, and most importantly his son's dark choco cookie. The poor warrior felt like a terrible father let alone a terrible king. He held his head in pain, ¨what could he have done differently, his own pride and joy wanted him dead.¨.

¨you pathetic whelp¨ he grumbled at himself trying to hold his cold composure. Around sunrise

He got up to prepare for the journey, and suddenly he grabbed his head in pain. ¨n-no not again¨ He felt fog leave his mouth and all he could see was white. Words of negativity filled his mind as his brain filled with painful memories ¨ you're a weak excuse for a king¨. The sound of his son's plea for forgiveness filled his brain. ¨you dark cookie you only deserve to crumble¨ an unfamiliar voice screeches.

A knock breaks him out of his trance.

¨are you in there your highness.¨ he recognized the voice. It was caramel arrow cookie with crunchy chip. I open the door.

¨yes caramel arrow¨ he said

¨we are ready sir and are awaiting your next instruction.¨ they said.

He nodded. ¨I will be out in a minute.¨

The door closes and I begin to pack my things.

¨ Arrow you know dark cacao warriors mustn't have sweet.¨ crunchy chip growls flabbergasted. ¨ Where did you even get that boba from.¨

¨ calm down chip its not that big of a deal.¨

He smiled while listening to them bickering. Those two were almost like children to him. He had took them in when they were younger. The two and dark choco cookie were inseparable...

The sad memories came back and dark cacao sighed as he finished getting ready. He headed towards the gate standing there was a caramel arrow and crunchy chip with his cream wolves..

Their stuff loaded onto a carriage.

A servant loads my stuff and we head off. inside the carriage crunchy chip was brushing one of the cream wolves showing caramel arrow while she did the other.

The king decided to settle for a book as snacked on a jelly jerky. Although it was hard to read due to his poor eyesight.

After a while he looked up to see caramel arrow and crunchy chip and caramel arrow sprawled on the cushions the wolves snuggled against them. It looked like they would be getting there in the morning. He looked at the stars setting his book down. He took a blanket putting it over the two.

He settled down trying to get the little sleep he could.

It wa all black and darin his dream


He saw a dark choco cookie.

¨ Son is something the matter.¨ he asked with concern evident in his voice.

¨no¨ he thought. ¨Please, not this again¨.

He started to sweat heavily in his sleep. His breathing weighed in on itself.

¨i am fine father.¨ glared at him he noticed the sword.

¨Where did you get that sword from¨. He asked

¨It's not important¨ the smaller cookie said.

¨dark choco talk to me¨.

¨I said THAT'S ENOUGH¨. A slash hit dark cacao on the chest and he fell on one knee.

Pain rushed through his body

¨n-no¨ a scared dark choco gasps ¨ Father i didn't mean-¨

Anger welled up in his body

¨Go-and d-don't ever return.¨ he gasps

He fell to the ground as he felt and heard the sounds of panicked servants and eventually everything went black.

Dark cacaos pov

I woke up in a cold sweat. I look around me. I looked in the mirror and there were bags in my eyes. He felt more tired than when he fell asleep. He tries to calm down. He noticed something nudging his foot. It was one of crunchy's cream wolves. It hopped up onto my lap sleeping.

I pet the wolf's fur as I sat there looking out the window and I could see the vanilla kingdom up ahead.

It looks like it will be a long few days.

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