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Dark Cacao pov

I wake up to the scent of vanilla . I had managed to fall asleep again and felt a little more rested as I stood up. I noticed the others started to stirr. I looked in the mirror and noticed there were bags still present under my eyes. I dismissed them. It looked like it was early afternoon.

"Woah so this is what the vanilla kingdom is like". Crunchy chip stares in awe, as caramel arrow proceeds to admire from afar.

"It's so vibrant" caramel arrow smiles "never seen anything like it."

"That's right you've never been here have you". Dark Cacao chuckled. They looked like kids at an amusement park for the first time.

They both salute "sorry sir for getting off task."

"At ease" he puts his hand up and sighs he personally hated the formality they held around him. They were basically his kids, they were his kids "Enjoy the scenery".

They arrive at the castle and Dark Cacao steps out, looking at the huge castle where his friend resided.

The servants opened the doors wide. He stepped in and took in the castle scenery.

Cao!!! I heard familiar voices yell. I turn and am tackled to the ground by Hollyberry, and Golden cheese. The two smile and I smile as they help me up.

Cao!! I hear a voice say "It's been too long". It was pure vanilla in his cone hat and robes. He looked more stunning than I remembered. We hugged " its has hasn't it" we parted and i quickly composed myself. Behind Hollyberry, Golden cheese and him was another cookie. They had Pink hair sporting a large gauntlet and they had a serious expression on their face.

"Oh and let me introduce you to wildberry. cao" Hollyberry grins. He salutes "wildberry at your service, your majesty."

I smile " it is nice to meet you as well. This is caramel arrow and crunchy chip."

They greet the others and we all get acquainted.

"Here let me get you settled. One of our servants will lead your guards to their rooms."

A servant takes the others to their room as I follow the others quietly listening as hollyberry pure vanilla and golden cheese talk. It had been awhile since he left the castle and was taking a minute to familiarize himself with his surroundings.

"Cao... " I snapped out of my thought it was vanilla "yes vanilla" he said as a small tint of embarrassment crept up his cheeks.

"Were at your room. Is everything alright? You were zoned out for a minute."

"Yes." I nod in reassurance " everything is alright."

He nods, deciding not to push further.

"I'll let you settle, we were about to swim if you wanted to join us. I know the trip was long."

He nods, "I'll meet you guys at the pool."

(Meanwhile with the guard squad)

Caramel arrow pov

"Thank you for showing us around". I bow, showing a gesture of gratitude.

"Please no need for formalities". She said, "Hopefully you'll be able to get settled." she walked off as she went to attend to her other duties. Luckily Chip and I were right next door to each other. So we split up to settle in as we were staying for awhile.

I unpack my things, putting them in the drawers provided as I organize the room to my liking. When i'm done I decided to check up on Chip to see how he's faring. When reached his room, his door was wide open and he was nowhere to be seen.

"Where did he go?" I sighed he always had a habit of getting lost so I decided to walk around.

(with crunchy chip)

I had to let my cream wolf out since it was time for their walk. They were sniffing around as I thought. The kingdom was a lot brighter than the cacao kingdom, the weather was warm and there were more plants like flowers. It was a more bubbly atmosphere and it was nice. I wonder how the second watcher was doing. He was left in charge of the while arrow and I was here.

Unfortunately, his thoughts were interrupted as he tripped over a rock and tumbled down the hill.

"Are you ok?" a voice said as he looked up it was that wildberry guy. He was reaching his arm as he helped me up much to my embarrassment.

"Crunchy chip was it... Are you and your puppy ok" he asked a blank expression on his face

"Puppy!!!?" i yelled " this is a majestic cream wolf..Cream Wolf you hear."

"My apologies" he said " are you and your cream wolf ok." he repeated.

"Yes, we're fine." I grumbled my heart beating fast for some reason  "where did you come from anyway".

"The garden" he pointed as we walked. " I was there to clear my head, then I noticed your little stumble and came here."

"Oh" I said, a blush stained my cheeks at the mention of my little stumble. What the hell is this feeling. 

It doesn't matter dark cacao warriors don't fall for silly temptations

(meanwhile with caramel arrow)

I walked down the hallways of the castle. I looked at the murals and there was one of each of the ancient cookies.

"HALT... INTRUDER" a voice booms as I freeze. A shadowy figure appeared; they donned a black outfit with a ponytail with a crow on their shoulders. 

"Who are you and what are you doing here". They said as they looked around me getting relatively  close. My cheeks burn a crimson red as she looked me in the face. 

"Im caramel arrow cookie first watcher from the dark cacao kingdom." I said, as a poor attempt at holding my composure.

She squints at me with doubt in her eyes. As she walks up to me she glares  "Black raisin cookie".

"Nice to meet you black raisin." I put my hand out to give her a handshake.

She doesn't accept it. "I have my eye on you."

I stand in confusion and stare  in confusion at the recent events. As she  walked away walked away.

"Cut it out arrow his majesty will not approve of this behavior." I mentally scold myself.

(Dark cacao)

I head outside to see Hollyberry laughing at a wet golden cheese.

With pure vanilla smiling at their antics. They noticed me and waved.

"Well look who it is, it took you long enough." Hollyberry smiled as she drank some berry juice.

"Oh Holly it's only been like 30 minutes" pure vanilla giggled.

"30 minutes to long wouldn't you say cheese". She smiled

"Please, only to you" cheese said as she sat on a floaty.

"So cao we were talking about how our kingdoms are doing, how's the cacao kingdom." pure vanilla smiled causing a weird feeling in my chest.

"Oh everything is going fine." I said as jam rushed over to my cheeks.

"That's great cao" he smiled

We talked until sundown, and we decided to change from our swim attire.

As I close the door to my room I think of Nilla, and that same feeling comes back. I felt all warm and fuzzy like

He scolds himself 

"I don't know what feeling that it but what i do know is that i don't like it" 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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