The day of the concert

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Hey guys I'm back! I'm actually finishing this story off 😯
Anyways enjoy!

3rd person

Jake went home that afternoon scared. But he was ready, he didn't really care if his parents beat him or not, it happens almost everyday for no reason!

He slowly opened the door. His heart slower as he had seen that his parents cars were gone. Maybe they went on a date? He concluded. When he walked in his little brother ran past him. "Woah!" He said outloud and pushed himself back a bit.

"Whats the rush little man?" He mocked him. Making his little brother's face go red. "Don't call me little man! I'm more of a man then you!" He stormed off. Jake laughed it off, going to his room instead.

When he made it in he quickly went to his closet. The concerts tomorrow he told himself. He knew they wouldn't except him in, even if they LET him in. They weren't gonna let him be at the concert.

He knew that, he wasn't stupid. Maybe I am? He again told himself, shaking the thought away, instead grabbing a camera that was on a camera stick out. Placing it infront of his bed, sitting down. He turned it on and began talking.

Hey to whoever is watching this! Um I have alot to say I guess. The concert is tomorrow! And I'm super happy for Hailey. I hope she does well. I hope everyone else does amazing as well! Anyways im getting off track. This is my last message for everyone! My suicide message if so.

Zander, I'm sorry. I pushed it I really didn't mean what I said. I felt pressured to say it. I said it so I wouldn't be hated, but I guess it happened anyways huh. But once I'm dead I hope you and Luke have a great life together!

Hailey, I have so much to say! For one I'm sorry, I'm sorry for ruining your life. I'm sorry for messing up your perfect group. It would've been fine without me! J shouldn't have ever joined! It was my fault all the problems that happened, happened! I just want to say I love you. I've loved you ever since I've met you.

Missy, you were a great person. And a wonderful friend! I really will miss you. I hope you can brighten up the group if they're actually sad I'm gone!

Sean, honestly you were cool. I think you and Daisy were good from the second I saw you guys! And it's not any of your fault, I just got tired.

Luke, I never really knew you. But I did know you were a amazing guy. You care for the people you love and you stuck with them, and protect them.

Drew, you were my best friend. And I don't blame you, you weren't the one who TOOK the video. But I can tell you helped. And to be honest I don't really care. You were the bestest friend I could ever ask for. You can take my stuff. But my brother gets most of it!

He stopped the video, leaning over pressing the button on the top. Falling back into the bed tired. Exhausted jake threw on his blankets and fell asleep. He would need rest for the last day of his life.

The next day

He slowly got up that morning. He brushed his teeth, did his hair, and made himself look semi nice.

After he was done getting ready He went downstairs, the floorboards creaking as he stepped down them.

Milo came running up. "Bye jake!" He yelled out, running upstairs. Leaving jake standing there for a second before opening the door and walking out.

He caught the bus today, unfortunately Hailey and zander were on the bus. Jake avoided them as much as possible. He wanted to wait to see them until the very last moments.

Though to his luck they didn't notice he was there. The bus ride was pretty quick, or to jake atleast. He planned on spending his last day taking photos or videos in classes. The last memory kinda thing you know?

Yet even after he had thought hard about wanting to do this, he still had that voice in the back of his head telling him he'll regret it. Maybe he will... but he didn't really care... if it made Haileys life better than he didn't really care what he did.

The bus came to a stop, pushing everyone forward a slight bit. Everyone started to push out, he decided not to and just wait.

Once everyone had left he finally got up. Walking out the bus door, them closing behind him.

And the day of the concert began.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! And sorry I haven't posted for awhile! This is taking a lot longer than I thought! I was gonna make it go all the way to the end but I'm lazy and I need to post so yeah 👍🏻
Words: 838

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