Chapter 2

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       "Cardan, where the hell are we going?" Jude grumbled as he led her through the hallways, covering her eyes. Cardan had told her he had a surprise for her, and insisted on leading her there. She heard the creaking of a door and felt a warm breeze. She paused. "Cardan, why are you taking me outside?"

       "Will you just let me surprise you?" Cardan groaned. He led her a little further then stopped abruptly. "Ok, aaaand TA-DA!" Cardan lifted his hands from her eyes with a flourish, Jude blinked in confusion. In front of her stood two ragwort steeds. And nothing else.

       "Oh my god a ragwort steed. I have never seen this before. I am truly surprised," Jude teased sarcastically. Cardan glared. "But seriously, what is the surprise in this?"

       "Well since you asked so nicely. We are going to New York!" Cardan grinned.

       "Why New York, you know Vivi doesn't live..." Jude trailed off. "It's Fashion Week, isn't it?" Her husband was practically bouncing up and down with excitement. "And may I ask how exactly we will be getting to these fashion shows?"

       "No you may not."

       "You're going to glamour your way in, aren't you?" Cardan remained silent, confirming her suspicions. "I can't say I'm surprised. Well, lead the way my king."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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