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" do you at least know who the daddy is ? " My mom questioned me as I sat crying with my head in my hands 

" I don't know " I cried 

" you don't know ? " She spoke I shook my head no 

" who all you've been having sex with Riri ? " She asked 

" Horace .... " I spoke 

" Ja " I added 

" Lordddddd " She dragged 

" are you serious Riri , you fucked all of them at the same time  ? " She questioned me 

" NO! DIFFERENT TIMES " I spoke quickly 

"so what are you going to do ? " she asked I shrugged 

" are you going to keep it or what ? " she continued 

" I want to but at the same time I don't " I told her wiping my tears 

" I'm not ready " I said as tears started to flow again 

" where did I go wrong " My mom spoke to herself 


" you good Riri ? " Liyah asked 

" she been quiet since she been here " Kayla spoke 

" I'm good " I spoke 

" no because having summer school is crazy " Liyah spoke 

It was the last 4 months of school and since we missed majority of the year they notified us that we would have to attend summer school this summer to pass on to the 12th grade 

" I don't give a fuck about school right now " I spoke 

" Agreed , We not learning shit anyway " Kayla agreed 

" We still have to walk across that stage though " Liyah spoke 

" since when you give a damn about school ? " I asked 

" I'm trying to work on myself " She spoke 

" good , you need to " I spoke 

" I'm bored lets rob a bank " Kayla spoke

" oooouuu what if we rob a corner store " I spoke sitting up 

" bitch what if we actually did that? " Liyah spoke 

" how much would yall think we could get? "  Kayla asked 

" I don't know but I'm bored " I spoke 

" we could rob Mr. Jones store but he like the heart of the hood that would be wrong" Liyah spoke I nodded in agreement 

" I'm not trying to get caught " Kayla spoke 

" that party tonight we fucking with it ?  " Liyah asked 

" I'm not going to that bitch party " I spoke 

" they have a lame ass party every 2 weeks " Kayla laughed 


" alright so we need to have a girl talk what's been going on! " Mali spoke sitting on the couch 

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