Chapter 17: CULPRIT & PARTY.

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"You stop bluffing, Ms. Clarkson. Are you done cleaning my wounds so I can go now?" she briefly asks in a stern tone.

"You.. have dinner with Mr. Von?" I pulled away her hands and put back the tools I took from the bag earlier. I didn't tend to look at her facial expressions now, I can't stand staring at her pulling out a smile but desperately shed jealousy inside my chest. And I don't like it. The way I became so more vulnerable and tend to unexpectedly jealous inside my horsy heart in no time.

"I have to leave early for me to wake up earlier than you," she chuckles softly that making me face at her physical beauty but sadly, she withdraws that cute chuckle of hers.

"Chuckles again, I like it," I murmured and zip my first aid box but she just ignored me. I was about to walk away from her when she pulled me tightly pressing my body to her as my butt hardly bump into her lap, I was surprised of shocked.

I stared at her physical beauty as I scan her kissable strawberry lecherous lips but she withdraw her face turning around in the right direction and having red tomato cheeks.

"Go now, " she stutteringly said and was about to push me away but I desperately hugged tightly her body as I sniff her neck slowly downwards, sticking my lips to her rodelent fragrant sweet smelling Mon Guerlain perfume mixing the scented of french lavender, sambac jasmine, sandalwood, and vanilla tahitensis. It makes me subconsciously carried away from the heat of my body as I heard her moaning and groaning because of my tender kiss running everywhere and owning her pillowy lips. I can taste strawberry fruits on her lips with a mix of blueberries.

"Shit," I murmured in my mind as I was inconspicuous that I was groping her boobies as I played with her nipples hard. I can tense the shock and tickles of her whole body as she immediately pushed me away from her. I chuckle secretly, smiling.

"I'm sorry Ms. Angelina, I got subconsciously carried away from that redolent fragrance of yours, my apologies." I low my head because of embarrassment and disgrace, I can't even stare at her image now. It makes me feel want to die today. Ohh... I might need a funeral reservation.

"Sleep early Ms. Clarkson, I have to go now," she indurated said and abruptly leave my unit.

I knock off my body on the couch as I bend my head and sigh deeply. What did just I do? I suddenly got carried away from her scent and it's killing my emotions slowly. It gives me uneasy feelings that can tolerate my body to do everything I wanted. And I can't help it. It's just... Agh!

Do I need therapy?

Go to the mental hospital?

Should I call Simon now?

Gash. I keep thinking about it.

"Let's sleep early, we have classes tomorrow," a calm heavy voice, suddenly entered and briefly locked the door.

My eyes got widened as my jaw suddenly dropped by surprise, seeing her frightened appearance showing angry emotions in front of me. She glared at the window nonchalantly. I can feel the intensity of hotness wrapping around her head that makes her facial expressions change into an intimidating ones.

She rushed to close the curtain of my window and glance at me, raising her right eyebrow as we received a sudden knock on the door.

"Don't stare like I am a ghost. That's uncomfortable Ms. Clarkson," she mutters and ignored the knocks.

"What is your purpose and you came back, Ms. Angelina?" I ask eyeing her beautiful appearance and showing confusion.

She shrugged and sat at the little space of my window, "Let's go and sleep," she ignored me and stepped through the stairs.

The Unexpected Woman (•𝖣𝗂𝗌𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗎𝖾𝖽: 𝗀𝗑𝗀•)Where stories live. Discover now