Chapter One: Bank Robbery

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Behind closed doors, no one from Aledale city knew what went on. No one knew that the perfect family wasn't so perfect. "Get out of here you little rat!" a female's voice ripped through the air like a dagger, something that wasn't uncommon at the Apostoleanu mansion. A few slammed doors could be heard along with a thud like someone had hit the hallway wall. Yelling could be heard, it was more than one voice. It all ended when a deep male voice yelled at all of them to shut up. Someone else slammed a door. Bang! With that Alissa woke up instantly, placing her small pale hand on her stomach. After taking a couple of deep breaths, she ran her fingers through her black wavy hair. Once she was able to calm her racing mind she took a look around her dim-lit room. Just a dream... but it still feels so real. Alissa thought to herself. Soon she swung her legs over the side of her queen-sized bed.

Alissa pushed herself up onto her bare feet from her soft silk sheets. She knew her father was home as she could hear him talking in the hallway to one of her siblings. Alissa glanced toward the alarm clock on her pure white nightstand. It read five pm. The nap was much needed but she should have known that napping wasn't going to come easily to her, not in that household. Everyone still lived at home except for Caden. Alissa just happened to remember that she had to make it to the bank before it closed. Strolling into her bathroom she turned on the light which burned her eyes at first. Once she adjusted to it she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Noticing that her eyes were a little red and there seemed to be something wet on her cheek. Alissa reached up and wiped away the wet spot. Was I crying in my sleep again? All of a sudden Alissa got extremely dizzy, blackness causing her vision to fade; falling to the floor. Suddenly there was a flash and she closed her eyes tightly only to have a memory replay in her head.

"I will never make you cry, I will never hurt you, I promise." he reached up and brushed away a strand of hair and put it behind her ear again. He then lightly placed his lips against her forehead. He pulled her against his chest and wrapped his strong arms around her trembling body.

After a couple of deep breaths, her vision soon came back. She wanted nothing more than to forget, these memories haunted her. There was no way to stop them. Alissa pulled herself back up onto her feet using the counter for support. "Fucking liar" she whispered, Alissa stripped down and climbed into the shower before she could remember anymore. Once she was clean she got out wrapping a towel around herself. It didn't take her long to decide on an outfit. She had gotten dressed in dark blue jeans with a long light blue tank top. She slipped on some black flip-flops. Alissa grabbed her phone and her purse that had her wallet and everything she needed already inside. Alissa quickly got into her black car with her sunglasses on. She then made her way down to the bank. It was about five twenty-two pm by the time she found a parking spot, which proved to be harder than most days.

When Alissa left she just prayed no one would notice her, she kept to herself and didn't say much. She passed a guy that was leaning against the wall as she walked into the bank. He was just talking to some girl that seemed so familiar. As she walked in she slid her sunglasses up on top of her head and pulled out her phone. There was a text from her brother.

To: Alissa

From: Caden

There is a party tomorrow night, I'll meet you there. I'll send you the address. Don't forget to take your medication tonight.

He was always so discreet and never disclosed where he was at, who he was with, or what he did for a job. BANG! The gunshot startled her from her thoughts. This is real, that was a real gun. She thought to herself as she quickly got down to the ground. People stormed into the bank with guns and were yelling things back and forth to each other. Alissa fumbled around with her phone. At this point, she just wanted to get out of there with her life. She tried to dial 9-1-1 as quickly as possible.

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