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So i don't have a lot of rules it's just really simple stuff. If you choose to purposely ignore it multiple times after i warned you then you would be banned/blocked. Simple.

I would only give 3 warnings. No more, no less.

Small disclaimer!! Any photos/gifs/songs that i use do not belong to me! All credits goes to their rightful owners!

1. I absolutely hate Mary and Gary sues. No one is prefect so please don't come to me with god like characters who have no weaknesses and is so powerful.

2. I don't mind if your character have depression or is su^c^dal but when you make that their only personality is where it becomes a problem. I don't want to have my character saving your character every five minutes when they wanna pull the trigger, jump off a building/out of a window or hang themselves. It's gonna get repetitive and boring. So add more depth to their personality or make them wanna get help and better themselves. At least let it be a bit realistic.

3. I will be doing a lot of dark rps. I know most of my followers are more a fan of dark rps then fluff so i will be adding a lot of those. Now these rps will be containing subjects that you may find triggering or disturbing so i would have a warning on it so you could stay clear from those. And no i do not agree with any of the crimes my characters does. It is all fictional and mainly for my followers and anyone else who love horror or true crime related stuff.

4. Spam me 3 times per day. I am a busy person with school and a job so my life isn't about wattpad like it used to be. Thankfully it is summer so i don't have school right now but i do still have a job so 3 times a day.

5. I don't care if you tag just go ahead and tag me. I prefer if you just tag me instead of waiting for me to tell you to tag because i don't be getting notifications on my books and i rarely check wattpad so it would take me a whole day to a week to see who commented or pm me.

6. I do get bored easily and i apologize for that. I do rp with a lot of people especially with the same character so if your character not drawing me in then I might take a while to reply. It's more of a me problem then anything so if i take long to answer then i'm sorry and i will inform you on why it took forever but that would sometimes be the reason.

7. I do have discord so if you wanted to rp on discord because you can send pictures of your characters/ the outfit they wear/ house they live in/ pets/ parents/ ect. Then i am down to do that. My discord is succqbus#8639

8. I am very good with rping with a lot of character. I can play up to 4 sometimes more characters. But for my sanity (since I know some people would try to rp with 3 or 5 characters at a time) i recommend people only rp with 1-2 characters of mine at a time.

9. I'm not a big fan of furries or neko characters. I don't mind rping with them but they aren't my favorite so i probably won't have an oc like that unless you request it then i won't mind making one.

10. I'm not one to kinkshame since I frankly don't give a f*ck about what ever kink you have. But i refuse to do any disgusting kink like golden shower or scat. I will also NOT do that kink race play. I don't mind humiliation or degrading, ect but i will draw the line on gross/racist sh*t. If i do have a problem with any other kink then i will tell you just like how i want you to tell me if you are uncomfortable with anything. I want the rp to be fun on both ends.

This is all the rules i could think of for now I'll add more later.

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