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Prompt: you decide something Hermione
A/n: I won't spoil for this one

House: Hufflepuff

Warnings: !May contain harmful words !


Lately, there was things going on it wasn't anything with other people it was mostly about you

Ever since Hermione and you showed that you were both in a relationship there was words here and there but hermione didn't know what others would say to you.

Present day

Y/n's pov

I was walking down the corridors, I had just gotten out of the great hall. No one was walking through the halls

That's when I hear a girl saying to her friend  "y/n is so ugly and disgusting she disgusts me" they all laughed

I felt hurt

"I heard hermione finds her annoying as well" said the other girl

"she shouldn't even be dating her, hermione is pretty and deserves someone better than her. She Is useless and clingy no wonder people are starting to hate her" marked the other girl who looked mean

"she should end it with her"

"yea I agree" they all laughed again

"everyone thinks y/n is innocent and so loving but in reality she's so ugly"

"I hate her" the girl with the shorter her marked

"I think we can all agree on that one"

Those words ran through my mind
End of Y/n's Pov

Y/n stood there in tears she was really hurt which brought her whole mood down. She didn't want to be near anyone at the moment.

She went to the room of requirements locking the door sliding down as her tears came down

Y/n was passionate and so kind hearted at times she wouldn't let things get to her but this time it was too much that got to her. She felt that feeling in her throat but she didn't want to cry

Or else it would make her self feel like she was weak and stupid for crying

Later on

Hermione was worried about y/n wondering where she was at and what was she doing. It's been a while since Y/n had left the great hall

"Harry have you seen y/n?" Asked Hermione

He looked confused but said "I haven't the only time we have was when she left the great hall. And she looked sad I guess I could say" said Harry looking at Hermione in a confused way

"Okay... thanks for telling me Harry" she said with a smile and wondered off

That's when Hermione found one of  y/n's friend who was a hufflepuff as well

"Hey, by any chance have you seen y/n?" She asked with worry in her voice

"mmm, I just seen her going to the dormitory's" y/n's friend said

"thank you" hermione said as y/n's friend nodded and smiled walking off

Hermione made her way there knowing she couldn't get in.

Y/n layed in her bed thinking on what the girls said earlier. Maybe they were right maybe you should of not been with Hermione because you were nothing but a girl who was ugly and had insecurities.


The next morning

Y/n's Pov

It was cloudy and cold, I was sitting next to my friends in the great hall. My friends were talking but I wasn't paying any attention to what they were saying

I was looking down at my plate and picking my food

"y/n?" My friend questioned

I looked up

"hm?" I said looking at her
"you okay, you seem off" she said patting your shoulder to give you comfort

"I'm fine.." I said giving her a little smile so she wouldn't worry about me

"you don't look fine" the other girl said give me a concerned look

"I promise I am, I'm just tired since I slept late" I said chuckling

"okay.." my friend said

I stood up and said "I'll see you guys later if you need me". Walking out the great hall and going into one of the bathroom

End of Pov

Hermione kept on looking at y/n she was worried sick about her. And Y/n didn't give one single glance at her

So when Y/n made her way out of the great hall she took a few minutes and left as well

Following y/n slowly
She took her time and waited a bit outside

Y/n grabbed the sink when tears came down her cheeks. She couldn't anymore with all these words being said to her

"Y/n?" said a soft voice coming in

y/n realized who it was but she didn't want to turn around having hermione to see her tearing up

she calmed her self down and wiped her face that's when she turned around and looked at Hermione taking a breath in...

"Hermione, I can't keep going with our relationship. I'm sorry accept my words and stay away from me as much as possible don't come near me ever again please." Y/n said looking to the sides and biting the inside of her cheek

Hermione stood there dumbfounded she was on the verge of tears

"w-why?" she said as tears came down her face shaking her head

"please leave me alone from now on." Y/n softly said

Hermione came closer to her. Grabbing her soft hands. Y/n pulled away but that didn't stop hermione from cupping her cheeks but y/n still looked to the side

"Whats wrong my love? Please talk to me" she said bursting into tears

Y/n took a step back she was also in tears

she shook her head and said "please get out of my way."

Y/n tried passing hermione

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." Hermione demanded in a soft tone

"I know your not okay y/n let me try and comfort you please my love don't do this." She said

Y/n looked down letting out a choked sob and breaking down

Hermione immideatly kneeled down and bring her close to her chest

"shhh it's okay I'm here" Hermione cooed

"t-they say stuff" y/n choked out

"who my love?" She said

"people. You deserve better" y/n said

Hermione lifted y/n's chin "don't say that. Im so lucky to have you y/n. You are the most beautiful girl I've have ever seen I love everything about you your smile makes my heart warm
Every time I look at you I get butterflies and thinking I'm so lucky to have you in my life"

She leaned and softly kissed y/n

"I love you" Hermione said
The end

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