To Roads and New Beginnings

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Card Captor Sakura. Also, the name of other characters int he story are all fictitious. I sadly just own the plot although if the owner wishes to give me Syaoran as a gift I would take him in a heartbeat.

Hectic... these past couple of months had been one hell of a ride for her. From the moment she found out Li Syaoran was on his way back into her life, things had taken quite a turn from what was before her next five-year plan with her back then boyfriend till just recently. How things could change from one moment to the other... If someone would've asked her months ago how she saw herself in the future, none of her answers could've possibly include her going back into the arms of now famous soccer star player Li. From the moment he came back into her life the attraction had been completely undeniable. It had been a continuous rollercoaster ride of emotions. Even after trying so hard to stay away from him, destiny played its hand into getting them back together in the end. Her thoughts lounged back into thinking about all the ups and downs they had gone through since they first saw each other again. From the moment she first laid eyes on him on the other side of the elevator, the intensity behind his eyes watching her from the bar that night, to have him luring her into jumping from a waterfall, coming undone with his injury, tempting him on the pool while he was recovering, to finally resigning herself to deny these feelings any longer for him and giving him a second chance. All these thoughts made her smile as she looked at him next to her on the back seat of the car. She snuggled right next to him as she sighed.

The cool breeze blowing softly against their skin while his sister drove them to the private airport made this a perfect morning to start a vacation. Spain had been their chosen destination. On her free time, she had made a list of places to visit to make sure they would both have a good time. Although they both had been to some parts of Spain before, they had never gone accompanied by anyone. So, this mini vacation could count as a sort of new experience for both. As she kept looking around from Feimei's convertible car, she saw the letters "Airport" on the side sign which meant they were just minutes away from embarking in this small adventure. The first of many, she hoped happily as his sister finally arrived at the airport. For some reason, she found the ride to be longer than usual. Maybe because she was excited of finally traveling away, and the trip didn't have anything to do with business for the first time in years? Or perhaps, was it the idea of finally being alone with Syaoran for a week? She didn't have much time to think about it as Feimei parked her car on the side of the private airport and sighed. "Well, here we are!" she announced while getting out of her car.

Xiun, who was accompanying them on the passenger side of the car silently, got out as well and went straight towards the trunk to help get their bags out. While Syaoran had packed one single bag, Sakura had taken the pleasure of packing a big suitcase making sure to have everything with her. She made sure to pack all the things that she needed for this trip and, thinking that Syaoran's bag didn't look completely prepared for their trip, she decided to take some of his clothes as well in secret just in case. You could never be too careful with these things. After all, it was their first vacation as a couple. She didn't want anything to go wrong in it.

A man came over to them and Syaoran started giving him instructions while handing him some of the bags as well.

Feimei sighed and hugged Sakura. "Oh! I'm so excited for you both!"

Sakura chuckled. "It'll be only a week, Feimei."

She nodded. "Take lots of pictures!" Feimei happily said while still hugging her. "Enjoy your vacation slash honeymoon."

Sakura rolled her eyes at her and shook her head. "It's not a honeymoon, Feimei. It's just vacations." She said correcting her friend.

Feimei uninterestedly moved her hand in front of her. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

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