Chapter 2 (Hunted become Hunters)

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CHAPTER 2  (Hunted become Hunters)

We set off early but climbed up higher
right to the top of the rock formation.
Ty suggested we get to the edge and lay down by the side of some smaller rocks jutting up for cover.
I used the scope on the hunters rifle and Ty had the night googles on as it was still dark. Both of us scouring the area.
As I saw Dawn appearing I saw Ty change to the binoculars but after 2 hours there was nothing moving.
"Any more chatter on the ear piece".
"He's just started, he's asking how long it takes to kill a young woman. He's having a right go at him which is good for us as he may get careless".
"May be we should move elsewhere and see what the layout is".
"Good Idea Amy, let's go".
We moved back out of view and stood up walking towards the middle of the rock formation.
I let Ty take the lead and followed but my thoughts kept me looking at his butt, a very nice butt. I shook my head to try and concentrate on what we were doing. I've got it really bad, I've never felt like this about any bloke, but at least we're getting to know each other, even if the situation is a bit weird.
We stop in a gap between some rocks where it's in the shade and have something to eat, always keeping an eye open and listening for sounds.
Then were off again, we have no Idea where the other hunters are that are after Ty, and I want Ahmed's other hunter. Ty suddenly waves to me to get down and we crawl towards the edge, Ty's looking through his binoculars and swings round towards me so I put my head flat on the rock so he doesn't have raise his head into view.
"There he is to your right".
I take the binoculars and look in the direction he pointed to and then I see the yacht, jeez it's a big one. I zoom in more and can see Ahmed sat at the rear of the boat.
"Yep, it's Ahmed he's there sipping a drink".
"Look down there with your rifle Amy
I think it's your birthday ".
I take a look and can see Ahmed's man, I really never thought I would have to kill someone but it's me or them, I line up my crosshairs and pull the trigger. Now I'm focused on Ahmed.
"Ty can I have the earpiece please I want to say goodbye to Ahmed".
"Here, press that button to switch the mic on".
"Hello Ahmed, how's it going for you, obviously better for you than your 2 thugs".
"Ahh Amy, your still alive I see".
"Your a real nut job do you know that you Son of a Bitch".
"My men will soon find you Amy".
"Doubt that Ahmed, I just took out your last hunter, so as far as I know you can't send anymore except for yourself, so if you want revenge for me protecting myself from your assault come onto the island and do it yourself, you see Ahmed there's one thing you don't know about me and that's your downfall".
"Think I'll Finnish this when you least expect it Amy".
"Oh no Ahmed, I'm going to Finish this now, smile for me".
I watched as Ahmed hit the deck, I know he moved at the last minute so he's probably wounded.
Then still looking through the scope I see him get up clutching his shoulder.
"Amy he's trying to leave but see those rocks, he's going to have to come in closer to get past them".
"Oh goody, where's the auto on this thing".
"There it's on, have fun".
"Any Idea where the fuel tanks are on these boats".
"See that red diamond sticker on the side, that's where you fire".
"Thanks Ty, I'm not going to let him come after me or my family".

I watch as his yacht gets closer to us trying to get round the rocks and wait patiently for it to get level. It's me or him, and he's totally nuts.
I open fire with my crosshairs on the area of where the fuel tanks should be and hear his men shooting at us except they have no clue where we are.
"Amy,,, Missile to our right".
I stop firing and the next thing I know is the massive explosions as the yacht is blown into a million pieces .
"Yessss, I think he took things to far and went against the owner of this place Amy".
The relief of the man from hell feeding the fish is instant and I burst into tears, it may have looked like I was calm to Ty but I was completely scared stiff I would die without my family ever finding me.
Ty wraps me in his arms and holds me until I've calmed down.
I finally look into those green eye's and kiss him, he kisses me back.
"You mean the boss of this place took him out".
"Yeah, I reckon that's what happened, I mean he was feeding his men information from the camera's and that's a big No".
Suppose we'd better go after the two who are after you now Ty".
"Yeah, you sure your up to it".
"The sooner we stop them the sooner we get to that control room wherever it is".
"Let's go down and get the weapons and backpack from Ahmed's man down below".
"Okay, let's get going".

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