Davin The Gamin

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"Davin," and voice lingered then continued, "don't assume that any dauntless things you do are laudable. Despite what you think they haven't noticed; they never will." The voice faded and a young boy rustles his rough black hair. He lay down on his old springy bed and laughed.
"As I've noticed. No matter what I do I'm still Davin The Gamin." He said turning on his side focusing on a vintage lamp.
Davin wasn't as a matter of fact a Gamin. He had a house, a family, a beautiful face, and a kind heart. He was given such a name by his classmates three years ago and it just stuck; despite all his efforts to lose it.
Davin sat up and gave his olive colored face a smack in attempt to wake himself up from the nightmare he'd been living for three years.
"Get up! Time for school!" A sweet voice rang out from downstairs.
"Okay! But, have breakfast ready this time!" He called. Without waiting for an answer he snatched up a slowly debasing quilt and threw it into his bed laying it flat. After throwing on his shoes and jacket he swung open his bedroom door and ran downstairs where his eyes met an old lady's standing in the kitchen. She looked at him and smiled brightly, her den hers showing. She looked like she'd died three years ago and was exhumed yesterday in her light pink apron. Despite how she looked he said the same thing he always did.
"You look beautiful today, Grandma!"
She laughed and thanked him gesturing towards a dining table filled with food.
"I guess Mom isn't home from the hospital yet?" He questioned stuffing syrupy waffle into his face. His grandmothers face made a slight alteration: the smile was close to a grimace now. He stopped eating and looked at her.
"She didn't want me to tell you but-" there was a loud crash and Davin stood up spurning the grasp his grandma has on his hand.
"I'll be heading out now. Keep some of this so we can eat this for left overs tomorrow." He turned and left the room without saying a word.

Davin knew what the answer was. his mother was taken by cancer three years ago. The doctors were surprised that she lived past 6 months. They figured that she might win the fight. But, it seemed like she'd finally given up. He thought to himself.
Davin cringed staring at his feet and when the bus came to a riveting stop he looked up with a bright, flawless smile. He'd grown a talent for feign faces and found it rather easy to lie to people now.
He hopped onto the bus and sat next to a small strawberry blonde haired girl. She gave him a chide glance then looked back at her phone. All he did was smile.
The bus ride seemed shorter than usual when they stopped at Martyr Highschool. He guessed it was due to the fact that he was spaced out the whole time. He exited the bus followed by the small girl. he could feel emitting heat from her and turned around to see that the girl was crying.

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