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The next morning i woke up with two arms wrapped around my waist. I shifted slightly and got out of bed without waking Robby up. I was going to go down stairs to go make pancakes but as i was going down stairs i heard my parents talking.

"I want to go back into karate, Steve. I miss it, seeing my daughter and my father working together, that should be us not jus those two." My mom said complaining.

I couldn't see my parents but I wasn't sure if they could see me. "I think that you should get back into it." My dad explained. "I know how much it means to you. Maybe you could go talk to your dad tonight once he comes over to dinner. We both know that you and y/n, he haves soft spots for."

They stayed quite for a minute. "I like that idea." My mom says. "Im going to start making breakfast, can you go wake up Robby and Y/n and see what they want." With that i run backup the stairs and back to my room.

Once i was back Robby looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "What was that about ?" He asks as i ump back into the bed and lay my head on his chest.

"I will explain later. Now, if anyone asks i was here all morning and was not accidentally hearing things that I shouldn't." He nodded and wrapped his arms back around my and then my dad walked in.

"Okay, good you guys are up. So, what do you want for breakfast today? Your mom was thinking pancakes." My dad said and i look at robby and he nodded.

"Sure, pancakes are great. Thank you Mr. Rose." Robby says and my dad laughs.

"I told you Robby, you can just call me by my first name." My dad says and then he leaves my room and goes down stairs to see my mother.

Robby than looks at me. "So, you going to tell me what happened this morning and why you where home so late?" He asked and i sighed.

"Thats two story's. Last night, when i was going on a walk with daisy, i saw this kid getting bullied and harassed. I stepped in and then the other kids ran away. So, i walked the kid that was getting bullied home just in case that he got jumped again. His name is Kenny. Seems like a sweet kid, just starting grad 8. Another thing, Samatha's little brother is the biggest ass hole ever. He was the one picking on the kid." I explained to Robby.

"Wow." Robby sad shocked. "I was not expecting that. Is Kenny okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, he is good. Oh, and what happened this morning was that i heard my mom and dad talking about that my mom might start working with my grandpa." I explain happily.

"That's great. I didnt know tat you mom knew karate."

i nod. "She was the first girl All-Valley Champion." we continued talking about karate for a bit until we were called down for breakfast. I told Robby not to mention anything until dinner and he agreed.

Once we were done eating and helping my mom and dad put away. The dishes we went back upstairs to get ready for karate. We both got into my car and started t drive off to the dojo. Once we walked in we started the warmup and the stretch.

After all the stretching and the warmup wearied getting to work. My grandpa wanted us to continue the style that we stole from the LaRusso's. Robby and i were leading it as the door bell rang. I didnt bother to look at who it was. "Mr. Keene! You have a visitor. Ms. Rose keep the warm up going." I nodded and continued.

The class tried to continue but everyone was getting distracted by Kenny and Kreese. 

"You know this kid?" Tory asked looking at Robby making him shake his head, she looked at me and i shrugged. 

"I-I-I'm Kenny. My brother, Shawn Payne, said you could help me." Kenny said making Robby take a step.  That was shocking news to hear. I kinda knew Shawn, he and i got into some trouble here and there.

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