Why not me? 二 pt2

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A/N: hey, sorry for being absent for so long i was busy getting my mess of a life together then got dragged to Cornwall on holidays and accidentally ghosted absolutely everyone, apologies. MASSIVE FLASH WARNING (also don't watch it in the dark)
Tw for this part are the same as the first part with added panic attack, anxiety and slight mention of suicide. Read at your own risk ⚠️

"Hey Yatora kun, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"I just saw the thing you painted yesterday and i was curious what that was about."

My apologies it appears that i have forgotten, do remind me."

"The gore one with blue flowers."

Aaaa fuck you Yatora (not literally that would mean im gay for him)
I was seriously hoping to forget the absolute circus of a vent art i drew in class
Aargh fuck meeee (NOT YATORA!!🤬)

"Umm are you okay, you're making a weird face?!"

"Ah sorry i spaced out, what did you want to ask?"


(~*.*)~ skipping of the time

"I'm back mother!"

"Welcome home, you were running late, its not like you."

"Oh.. i just got caught up in homework."

"How come? Isn't it the end of the year."

"Ah ok, dinner will be ready soon."

Hehe time to watch anime-

"Oh i almost forgot your school report came in, your father wants to discuss it with you."

I can feel my heart dropping.
Why does anxiety have to feel like ingesting battery acid.

-(@;@)- mini thimeschkip~

My headphones are great for drowning out the noise of my family downstairs however they will never drown out the much dreaded sound of the door unlocking.


"We gotta pay the car bills tonight babe."

Fuck its father

Its alright
Just stay quiet
Don't make noise
Stay calm
As far as you know

Nothing happened

Just a normal wednesday evening.



"I know and i am coming!"

I throw my headphones off pausing the music and run downstairs.
Don't get father angry or its your head.

Apologies but here is yet another timeskip after dinner tho

"Ok let's look at your report, together, yeah?"


"Your grades have dropped, it's disappointing. I don't understand you were doing so well."

"I-i was just"

"Just what?"

"Nvm, I'll try to do better next year i promise."

I have to leave the kitchen.

"Remember when the holidays start i want you to study for three hours everyday."

I run upstairs

Put my headphones back on

Press play

I can't help myself
I can't do it

It's never enough

Why isn't it?

Why am i not enough?
I feel the hot tears slowly cloud my eyes and roll down my face.
It stings
I feel like shit

Im so tired
But i can't sleep
What if i just die?

My friend mentioned it the other day
They said only the police would look for  you.

I fall asleep on my wet pillow.

Grotesque||Blue period x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now