⊱ one ⊰

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- future / paramore -

Natalia found where she belonged first in the Red Room, then at S.H.I.E.L.D.

But that didn't mean it was where she was meant to be: or if everything went perfectly there.

The mission didn't go well for Natasha. In fact, it left S.H.I.E.L.D in direct explosion to an anti-government agency. Fortunately, they weren't as serious as Hydra, but they were definitely in the same power line.

Three of the agency's best agents assigned to take down this cooperation? Easy, right?

Who would've known that, whoever may be running this running this organisation, had set up their base in a place in Russia a little too familiar to Natasha.

Where Natalia Romanova was made the Black Widow.


Sharon didn't know what to do.

Having been on the exact field where Nat was at the time of finding the Red Room, she saw all the colour drain from Nat's face as her features sunk.

For anyone who didn't know Nat personally, they wouldn't have noticed anything change in her expression.

But Sharon knew her far too well.

That cold, deadpan, almost murderous look she may put on was easily recognisable by her best friend as her 'work look'.

Only two people could tell the emotions within her; only two people could bring out the real her; only two people made her feel at home.

So, after long thought, Sharon decided on one thing to try take Nat's mind off everything. Not to mention bring Clint back to his normal self; he was never the same after his divorce with Bobbi.


Yeah. Only two people could make Nat feel loved.

But, right now, she wanted to kill them.

"Come on, Red!" Clint groaned, head slimming against the back of his office chair. "It'll be fun, we need this!"

"For once, I agree with Robin Hood," Sharon nodded, ignoring the offended look on Clint's face as she continued. "You can't just go straight back to normal work after everything. Let yourself have one break while you're young. Enjoy it-for fucks sake!"

Stifling the laugh arising from the back of her throat, Nat argued. "There's no point! What's Greece going to do about anything? It'll just be a waste of time, we all have work we could be getting on with instead."

"Not everything has to be about work." Clint slammed his head forward this time, restlessly landing on his palms.

Snorting, Sharon looked down at the other blonde. "Nothings about work with you."

"Fucking watch it," Clint warned. "You're really not helping our case, either."

Shrugging at the accusation, she turned back to Nat. "What do you think?"

"I think we should stay in America," Nat tried to stop the smile creeping on her face at the disappointment portrayed in the pair in front of her. "But... I want to go to Greece."

Lifting from his chair suddenly, Clint cheered, knocking the seat back as his did so. Sharon slammed his shoulder down to control himself, smile making her way to her own lips.

Did Natasha really want to go to Greece? Not at all. It would be ten hours already wasted in the air, where nothing could get done whatsoever and there would be no logical escape if anything were to take place, not to mention the ten days additionally spent in the country where she'd be spending time doing quite literally nothing when she could be something useful.

But, watching the pair in front of her bicker back and forth, she knew it would be worth it.

For them.

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