Defeated Heroes.

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Part 2

Balor had taken it all in, in a flash. Now the task was simple. His size had always attracted attention and forced him to learn how to fight. Once he had made the decision to fight, rather than just hold a foolish somebody at arm's length, Balor was like a raging bull. No elegance, just sheer, unstoppable power.

The first two of Vicnor's company went down with ease. Balor stormed in, smashing one of their heads into the stable door with a loud crack. His elbow met the second man's face, sending him backwards. The third turned just in time to receive the full force of Balor's strength, the charging weight concentrated into his clenched, hammer-like fist. Balor hit him squarely under the chin, lifting the man off his feet and into Vicnor. He pushed on, sending Vicnor tumbling, drew himself up to his full height and, standing over James, he readied himself to finish the fight.

Vicnor had been just as shaken by the great beast as his men were, but he had not got where he had in life by being a soft touch. He had rolled away from Balor and, as Balor and came to his feet, Vicnor had his knife in hand. It was long and broad with a keen edge, gleaming in the sunlight. He held it confidently and levelled it at Balor.

Three of Vicnor's men were unconscious, or at least were unable to gain their feet. Two were holding Jay, who was beginning to struggle, while James was coming to his senses. That would be Vicnor's cue to leave, since this excursion was becoming more of a problem than it was worth. He still had two available men though, and if he could stop this great bull of a man, there could still be some profit to be made in the effort. He saw that the knife had given the giant cause to pause, which made him think he could take him down. He had not wanted to kill anyone today, but it may be an incentive to the others to pay up. With that in mind, he went forwards, stabbing at Balor's arms and body, forcing him backwards.

"You stinking peace of shit", Vicnor growled through gritted teeth. "I will cut you to pieces and feed you to the pigs".

He was quick, and Balor stumbled around James as he tried to avoid the knife. Vicnor saw him stumble and slashed at his belly. The knife went through his shirt and drew blood, but much of the force had been lost as Balor had stumbled backwards. Vicnor's men simply watched, holding Jay, and keeping an eye on James, whilst their leader moved in to finish the job.

Balor instinctively knew that Vicnor would kill him. His belly was stinging from the cut, although it was not deep. Shock and rage instantly burned up inside him. Vicnor lunged at his belly again, slashing in an effort to spill his guts. Balor raised his arm to protect himself and the knife cut more deeply. He let out a raw sound of pain and slammed his foot into Vicnor's chest. Vicnor went back, but only for a brief second. Blood ran down Balor's arm, but the adrenalin pumping through him dulled the pain. All he was thinking about was how he needed to get close to this runt without getting stabbed. That way he would tear him to pieces. He turned and ran.

Vicnor let out a yelp of joy. He would outrun this hulk and slit his throat from behind. James and Jay looked on in disbelief. Vicnor anticipated the end and ran on. Balor had run to make room. His arm and belly were aching as he approached the unconscious lump that was one of Vicnor's men. The man felt nothing as Balor bent down and took hold of him. He used all his strength and whole bodyweight as he turned, lifting the man up with ease; a motion he had performed a thousand times before, except this time the load was a man, not a bale.

Vicnor could do nothing. The blade that was intended for Balor slid to its hilt into one of his men's thighs, as Balor flung the limp body into him. Vicnor crumpled under the dead weight. Balor grabbed him, pulling him from under the body, and rammed him with all his force against the stable wall. Vicnor had tried to free the knife, but the flesh had gripped it fast, and he was unable to prize it out. He could do nothing against the sheer power that was weighing on him. He cried out in agony as Balor dropped his vast weight down onto his collar bone, snapping it clean in two.

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