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so you all know that lumine is a fatui harbringer, the number 1 "the crying star" because of her mask ressembling someone crying and the fact she's a star

but her and aether weren't seperate for long and actually reunited both aether and lumine making a plan to not only take down celestia but also make it's gods sufffer like they have

the tsaritsa soon after met them and became there ally lumine would secretly work with them and the abyss while the tsaritsa does everything in her power to help them (hence why there collecting there gnosis in order to weaken the archons and win against them in time of need)

lumine got her power after getting her sword back from one of the abyss mage and a massive amought of training

lumine found childe one day in the abyss and took him under her wings and taught him all she could before he joined the fatui (he called the twins his older sibling and both don't mind as they saw him and his sibling as familly (there billions of years old let them have that))

 paimon is with aether coming up with a plan to weakend celestia enought so that they can have a battle to end it

paimon got adopted by them so houray !

ayaka is someone with almost the same status as her brother (so far don't change) except she sometime have to meet with the shogun to report the current doing of inazuma and the tri-commision and have her part in doing wedding, party, send ronin to the kujou clan to train them and other stuff ^^'

she's also a bit more present in ayato's dutys and often have to seek him for his duty and hers (they often have to switch document to do there resepective part but also because when ayato leave ayaka will do his part while doing hers with the help (sometimes) of thoma)

when they met ayaka was going on a walk but the knews of the fatui in inazuma got her into a panick to go help the doujin at the port she bump into lumine who stop her from falling to the ground and there eyes met ^^'

also for the sake of the story there is 12 fatui harbringer ajax being the last so sandrone would be the 11 and yadda yadda you get it did you ? good because i'm getting lazy to write more info now ^^'

i hope that's good enought info because i suck at giving info about an au and have a terrible enlighs after all i'm still learning so please be minfull and if you see mystake in the story feel free to correct me and i'll do so thank's anywho let's move to the story ^^

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