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Summary: Cassie and Ethan have very different ideas on how to talk to theirunborn children.

Her back was killing her. Of all the indignities that went with pregnancy, that was the one Cassie Valentine was fixated on today. Carrying a baby inside your body wasn't for wimps. And carrying two at the same time? Well, they should give out medals for that.

Cassie eased on to the couch set against one wall of the Diagnostic Team's office and sank into the soft cushions with a sigh of relief. She was only halfway through her shift and wasn't sure how she'd get through the rest feeling the way she did.

Tired. Bloated. And just about as uncomfortable as it was possible to be. She wondered, not for the first time, why anyone would willingly do this more than once.

"You could ease up on your rookie mom, you know," she looked down at the large bump protruding from the middle of her body. "You've had your fun. Why not just take a nap?"

She placed both hands on either side of her belly, cradling it, and waited for the somersaults to end. Clearly her children had inherited their stubbornness when instead of slowing down their movements increased in frequency.

"Very funny," she grumbled. "I should have known Ramsey and Valentine genes would be a handful even in the womb. Just know, I am keeping score and will hold this over you for as long as possible."

The babies were like 'whatever' executing two swift kicks in succession.

"Fine, fine, I'm sorry," she said quickly, drumming her fingers on the arm of the couch as her eyes scanned the empty office.

The team didn't have a patient today and she had decided to use the downtime to catch up on paperwork. But she had trouble concentrating due to the sheer monotony of it. What she wanted was to dive into a meaty case, something challenging that would get the juices flowing again.

Unfortunately, she was almost thirty weeks along with a predisposition to pre-eclampsia and Ethan had laid down the law about her working with patients. She could consult with the team but not directly manage treatments.

"And that's another thing," she complained, talking directly to her belly. "Your dad is not playing fair by benching his star player. I'm pregnant, and you two aren't making it easy, but my brain is as sharp as ever. Who made him boss of everything?"

"I believe that was Naveen with a lot of prodding from you," boomed an amused masculine voice behind her. "Are you complaining about me to our children again, Rookie?"

Cassie looked over her shoulder at Ethan standing inside the doorway. She'd been so engrossed in her one-sided conversation that she hadn't heard the glass doors slide open.

"Hey, babe," she smiled, holding out one hand for him as he walked over. "Just telling it like it is. You don't want me to lie, do you?"

He shook his head in exasperation and sat down next to her, automatically splaying his hand atop her belly. "Did you tell them how obstinate Valentines are? Because if not I will be setting them straight on that matter."

"Ramseys aren't exactly flexible," she muttered. "At least not one particular Ramsey."

And then she started laughing at how ridiculous the conversation was. Ethan must have thought so too because he chuckled, teeth flashing white against his dark beard. She leaned in, resting her head on his shoulder, and he draped his arm around her, holding her close.

"Is everything okay?" he asked after a few minutes of silence.

She sighed deeply. "My back hurts, my feet are swollen, the kiddos are using my body as a monkey gym, and I hate paperwork."

"Other than that," he teased making her laugh. "You know babies respond better to honey than vinegar, right?"

"Then they should mind their manners," she scoffed. "Ow! There they go again."

"Let me try," he proposed, bowing his head to speak to their babies through her belly. "Okay, girls, this is Doct...err, your father. How are you?"

When Cassie snorted, he threw her an annoyed look and quirked one eyebrow; she rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Anyway, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, your mom and I know you're excited about this brand, new world you find yourself in. But we're even more excited to meet you. You still need to spend more time in there, get bigger and stronger, but go easy on your poor mom. She's trying very hard and could use your help."

Cassie watched in wonder as Ethan continued to croon sweet words to their unborn children. He told them they were loved and wanted, and that nothing would ever change that even all the kicking. But he sure would appreciate it if they could ease up for now. Please, and thank you.

This version of Ethan was so different from the austere man she remembered from intern year; the one who'd said children weren't in cards for him because he couldn't be there for them the way they needed him to be. This was the Ethan Ramsey only she was allowed to see.

Here he was, talking to them as if they could understand every word he was saying, his voice soft and gentle. The babies must have liked it because she could feel the tightness in her belly easing as did the flips that had caused her so much discomfort earlier.

She felt tears prick the corner of her eyes as love for him and their growing family filled her heart until she could feel it fluttering. Or maybe it was heartburn. Either way, she mentally captured the memory of this moment to hold on to forever.

"What?" he demanded, eyes narrowing at the look in her eyes.

"You amaze and enchant me every day, Dr. Ramsey," she said, closing the distance to brush her lips across his. "That's what."

A pink blush pricked at his cheeks, and he glanced away. "Just applying my diagnostic skills to the situation. We both know the way to deal with difficult patients is with quiet reason."

"Sure," she said with obvious skepticism. "Let's go with that."

He narrowed his eyes but didn't rise to her jibe. Keeping his arm around her, he toed off his shoes and put his feet up next to hers on the coffee table. She nestled deeper into his embrace, closed her eyes, and savored the peace.

Ethan Ramsey was a good man, thought Cassie, and would make an even better father. That wasn't wishful thinking. It was fact. She would bet her diagnostic skills on it.

Open Heart One Shots (Choices): Marriage EditionWhere stories live. Discover now