mysterious person pt 1

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Their green and silver tie hanged loosely around their neck as their eyes peered over the book laid on the table.

Hermione noticed them the first day of December. She had entered the library as usual, after another fight with her best friend Ron Weasley. He had sided with Harry, believing that Draco had become a death eater, and Hermione couldn't stand the one-sided argument anymore. Ron could be so stubborn at times. Even more than Hermione herself.

So, Hermione had sat at her usual spot, plopping the book onto the table frustratedly. Finishing her charms assignment would distract her a bit, and she could hopefully come back to the common room later, Ron forgetting everything that happened.

A voice had been heard throughout the silent library, Hermione immediately looking at where it came from, ready to shush whoever had talked so loudly. It was written on the entrance: whisper, why was it so difficult to be quiet?

"Looking hot, Y/L/N," a Slytherin girl, dirty blonde hair and high cheekbones, had said flirtatiously to the person sitting a few tables across Hermione. The blonde girl slid a hand on their shoulder.

"As always," they had simply replied, taking their eyes back to the book they were previously reading.

The girl surely noticed that Y/L/N was disinterested, because she rolled her eyes and headed to the exit, as if her only point in coming here was to flirt with them. Unbothered by what just happened, they put down their book and started scribbling a few words onto a piece of parchment, their bottom lip trapped between their teeth out of focus. Hermione scanned them off, her curious mind taking over. That charms assignment could wait.

They only wore their button up shirt, the first few buttons unbuttoned, letting their collarbones show. Around their neck was hanging their Slytherin tie, messily tied. Their [Y/H/C] hair was flowing down to their shoulders, and their [Y/E/C] eyes were narrowed, focused to what they were transcribing from their textbook. They were fairly attractive, Hermione thought.

Hermione had never seen that person before. Well, you could say the fact she spent almost everyday in her dorm reading, except for school, would be why she never saw them. Or maybe that person was just discreet and rarely interacted in class.

Hermione went back to her reading, a certain person filling every thought she had.


It was the seventeenth of December that night. Hermione gazed upon that same person she'd seen for the last seventeen days. Always at that same spot, always focused on their work as people walked by them, commenting on their looks or on how well they did something. Any compliment would be simply acknowledged by them with a simple thank you, before they got right back to work.

For the first time in her entire life, Hermione had spent hours in the library incapable of doing any work. Well, she did write a couple lines down every now and then, but her eyes were always drawn to that mysterious Slytherin person.

Again, and for the seventeen days since she'd first saw them, they seemed to only be found in here, the library. Hermione would hate to admit it, but she'd often find herself looking around in the hallways, eager to finally see that Y/L/N outside of the library. To know she wasn't just dreaming and that they existed. But they were nowhere to be found, except the library. Not even in class, though Hermione compensated her lack of work outside of school in class, and therefore she didn't look around in hopes of finding them.

Two Ravenclaw boys passed near Y/L/N, filthy comments spilling from their mouths, though they only smiled and got back to work. It was really infuriating how they seemed to not care at all about the constant comments. Maybe were they polar opposite to Hermione, but she was sure she'd be more than annoyed to have students constantly disrupting her work for no particular reason if only for saying the dumbest words ever.

y/n x hermione gxg one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now