mysterious person pt 3

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"I fucked up," Y/N groaned as they stormed into the boy's dorm.

As soon as Y/N kissed Hermione for their plan (well, while it was to win the round, Y/N did want to kiss Hermione anyway), the girl had left their bedroom fuming, not once looking back. Y/N, who was still a bit flustered from the kiss hadn't ran for her, but now they did regret not doing it.

"There weren't any dung bombs in my bed, Snape," Draco's voice was heard behind the book he was plunged in.

"That's not the point, Malfoy," Y/N sighed frustratedly as they threw themselves on his bed, elbowing the boy by doing so.

"Hey! I haven't signed up for wrestling sessions with you," Draco pushed Y/N as he groaned out of pain.

Y/N's glare didn't leave the platinum blonde haired boy, Malfoy rolling his eyes as he placed his book down on his bedside table, sitting up to listen.

"Okay, what's up?"

"I fucked up bad," Y/N repeated, and Draco sighed. Like they didn't already say that.

"Yeah, I know that, I might just need more explanation though," he huffed.

"I kissed Granger," Y/N said. Draco lifted an eyebrow.

"Okay? Isn't that what you wanted?"

Draco and Y/N had been best friends since third year, after Y/N had been forced to accompany him to the infirmary when he got scratched by Buck.

Since then, they became inseparable, except in class, since his two goons Crabbe and Goyle were two annoying blokes.

He was the first one to know about Y/N's crush on Hermione in fourth year, when he realized how Y/N was practically drooling over the girl at the Yule Ball. He never really understood what Y/N found in Hermione, but as a supportive friend he tried to get Y/N to talk to her, but they were always too shy so he eventually gave up. It was a surprise to him the day Y/N came back with bursting energy a month ago, telling him about how Hermione went to talk to them in the library.

Oh, he was also the one listening to Y/N's long rants about how Hermione this, Hermione that, I really think I want to kiss her...

"Yes! I know," Y/N cried, "it was amazing by the way—" Draco faked gagged "— but she left as soon as she realized it was so I could win the game!"

"Wait—wait—wait," Draco sat himself back up, his mind processing what Y/N had just said. "You mean to tell me you've hidden your desire to kiss Granger by making it as if you wanted to win a game?"

Draco knew Y/N and Hermione were hanging out that night, though he didn't ask further details on what they'd do. But now he was interested... mostly mad though.

"Yeah... putted like that it does sound dumb—"

"Well yeah it does!" Draco smacked Y/N with his pillow. "No wonders the girl's fled!"

"Can you help me get her back and explain myself," Y/N's pout was really cute and Draco was this close to give in, but he resisted, crossing his arms in front of him.


"Draco pleaseeee," Y/N whined, grabbing Draco's shirt in a begging manner. "You can't do that to me! We're best friends! Just help me please! You'd do that for me?"

"Are you guilt-tripping me," Draco tried to hide the smile on his face by keeping a stern face, but when Y/N smiled too he realized he'd failed.

"No, I am just asking the most perfect and handsome and amazing friend of mine to help me get the girl of my dreams back and repair the dumb shit I've done—"

y/n x hermione gxg one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now