Chapter 1 : Who's That

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"Mama, I'm heading to the food bank, let me know if my university letter comes in." I say as I adjust my Jilbab, heading out. I applied to my dream university and my letter should be here any day now.

"Okay," she replies. My mom is very blunt. She doesn't care or talk much after my dad passed away, she's only left with me, her only child.

I take the bus to the food bank and meet up my friend, Mia. "Assalamualaikum sis, long time no see." She says.

"Waalaikumusalam, yeah I've just been busy reviewing some bio notes, I kinda wanna have a head start in uni."

"Of course you do," she smiles. She knows of my dream to study and get a job to gain my independence, "Let's start by packaging these cans."

We box over 100 cans while talking when I see our manager, Ahmed bringing in a tall, muscular man with tattoos down his arm, showing him around the large food bank.

"Oh my god." Mia remarks.

"What?" I ask confused.

"That's Elias Alfera...he funds this place."

"Wow, really?" I say as I watch him read files with Ahmed, then realize that I should lower my gaze.

"Yup, my brother told me all about that guy. But don't warm up that fast, he isn't as good as he seems." Mia comments as she hands me boxes.

"Wait, why?" I place the box to the side to tape and hand to Maryam, one of the other volunteers. I'm grateful they don't do any free mixing, and keep the guys to one side and the girls to the other. Alhamdulillah cuz guys can be weird at times.

"He lived with his grandpa until his grandpa's death when he was 18. His Catholic parents died when he was young and passed down 7 multi-million dollar businesses to him, but sometimes things get messy and he ends up killing people."

I gasp, "Say wallah. Is he even muslim?!"

"Wallah. Well now he is, he converted 3 years ago when he was 20. He closed down his strip clubs and bars he used to own. But he still is sketchy, everyone fears him, even the authorities."

"Damn. Allah really does guide people." I say as I notice Elias staring at me and whispering to Ahmad. I quickly return to what I was doing as my ears heat up. Amara, stop, this guy is no good.


Today I'm visiting the Muslim food bank that I fund, just to check up on some money related things. Ahmed shows me the files, "Alhamdulillah we're getting more donations than ever."

" Yeah that's good," I say as someone catches my eye from a distance. "Who's that? The one in niqab?" I ask Ahmed.

"Oh her? One of our volunteers, Amara. She just graduated highschool and helps out a lot here." He replies quickly, just as he should.

That's who I want. Call it love at first sight, I don't care, but she's gonna be mine. "Give me the volunteer info on her."

"Yes sir, I'll get it from my office." He does as I say without questioning.

"Amara Hadid," I read. Turns out she lives with her mom. I save her number.

The maghrib Athan goes off and everyone heads to the prayer room. I catch a glimpse of Amara with her friends at the back. I lead Salah since I'm doing hifth. I'm 2 years in, and I have a couple chapters left to memorize but Insha'Allah I can get it done soon. I quickly make duaa and ask for forgiveness so that my plan goes smoothly.

Everyone begins to leave and I follow Amara out. I see her head towards the bus stop with no one around. Perfect.


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