Chapter 21 : Broken

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Some of the guards lined up give me glares as Zayn leads me to a room. He takes one last look at me and opens the door. It's an office. Okay...makes sense. "After you." Zayn says.

There are two guards on each side of the room. I offer Zayn a smile and have a seat on the chair. Wait...where's the lawyer then. This is all kind of sketchy. How Zayn just happened to show up, had the perfect plan, is overly obsessed with me all of a sudden, and escaped? I know for a fact no one can escape Elias's prison.

Before I have time to process it all, I hear two clicks. I look down and see that my hands have been hand cuffed to the arm rests. My stomach drops. I slowly look up to Zayn. "What..what are you doing." I whisper shakily.

"Amara. My family was at stake, I'm sorry." He says as he backs up.

I aggressively shake my hands. "What do you mean sorry?! Zayn please tell me this is some kind of sick joke!"

"It's not." I hear a man walk in. He finally comes into view.

"Santos?" I say frightened. I always had a bad feeling about Elias's cousin.

"Yes yes, isn't it the beautiful wife of my cousin. I still can't believe this worked. I assigned Zayn to work as a guard for Elias but never expected him to know you! It made my whole plan a lot easier." He laughs.

I swallow a sob and stare at Zayn. I notice that Zayn isn't making eye contact. No way this guy's feeling guilty after putting me to my death. "You liar. Allah will ask you about this." I try shaking out of the chair but it doesn't work. "Zayn why are you doing this."

"Oh hush." Santos interrupts. "He works for me. I promise you if you ever got a job with me, with the salary, you'd do anything for me."

I'm disgusted by this guy. But I still maintain courage. It's different when you get betrayed, your heart turns to stone. "Why don't we get the cliché bit over with. Why am I here?" I question.

"Confident are we?" He smiles. "You are here since my dear cousin is making my pockets hurt."

I look at him in confusion.

"He isn't going through with all the business deals we had set over the decades so I'm going broke. He says it's ha-rum or something like I care." He pronounces haram wrong. "Also because of one tiny comment I made about you, he almost started war, injuring my men and almost killing me."

"Sucks that he didn't." I say under my breath.

"So let's just say I'm pissed off so I want to hurt his feelings. So Ill just kill you-."

"Sir!" He's interrupted by one of his guards calling from a distance.

"Oh shut up. Zayn go check on him." Zayn leaves as Santos continues.

"So how would you like to be killed?" He asks.

I sigh. La ilaha illallah. I've always gotten out of situations like these, so Insha'allah I get out of this one. "I don't-." Suddenly multiple gunshots echo through the mansion. I duck my head for cover as Santos starts crawling on the ground. Those gunshots are followed by the sound of a door being kicked down. I squeeze my eyes shut as goosebumps rapidly form at each shot sound.

Before I take another breath, BOOM.

The wall behind me is absolutely demolished. I gasp for air through my coughs. I cant even see due to the dust and broken concrete. I see someone run towards me through the smoke. Elias always comes to save me. He's actually the one who's always been there for me.

I prepare to go into the arms of Elias when I realize that it isn't him. It's Fredrick, his body guard. "Freddie?"

"Boss needs you out and we don't have much time." He breaks my hand cuffs free and runs as he escorts me through the broken wall, one that leads to outside. On the way there, I catch a glimpse of Elias.

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