Joonie! Xingie!

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"WooHyun Hyung! Are the fireworks ready?" HongBin asked for the nth time. The senior laughed at the boy who was facing back and forth.

"HongBin, relax! I'm pretty sure Hyuk will like this" WooHyun tried to make HongBin calmed down.


SuHo glanced up the clock, it was 6:40. He just finished his showered up and quickly got into his fresh clothes. After fixing his hair, he went to YiXing's room to tell him that it was time to get Hyuk but he was greeted with a topless YiXing who was currently putting his clothes on.

The dimpled boy yelped and quickly put on his clothes.

"Oh, sorry YiXing, it's time to get Hyuk" SuHo looked down, a bit blushing like YiXing.

"Uhm, it was fine, uh let's go!" he said and walked outside the room.


Hyuk was lying on his bed, thinking about HongBin. He sat up in anger, "Ugh! Why am I thinking of that guy? He's a total jerk for me!" he sighed.

"I thought he really love me, but why? I was going to tell him that I love him too but what did he do? He was just playing with my feelings!" his heart was aching.

A sudden knock on their door interrupted him. He stood up to open it.

"Who is it?"

As he opened it, he was surprised to see JoonMyeon and YiXing standing in front of their dorm. "Oh hey guys"

"Hyuk, come with us, there something we want show you" YiXing instantly grabbed his arm.

"Huh? What is it?" Hyuk frowned.

"Just come with us and you will know" JoonMyeon answered him and the two dragged Hyuk into their school garden.


"Can you two Hyungs explain to me why did you dragged me all the way here?" Hyuk just found himself in their dark school garden with these two handsome boys.

"Uhm, just you wait here" YiXing said and together with JoonMyeon, they left Hyuk alone.

"Hey guys, don't leave me here, I'm afraid of dark" Hyuk suddenly became scared. But then he was surprised when he heard a loud boom, he looked at the sky and smiled when he saw various colors of fireworks that exploded onto the air.

"Waahh, it's so beautiful!"

"Yeah, just like you" a voice behind him echoed.

The younger boy turned around and gasped. "H-HongBin? W-what are you doing here?"

HongBin smiled, "Did you like my fireworks? WooHyun Hyung helped me to buy it, just for you"

"F-for m-me? So you're talking with WooHyun Hyung on the phone earlier?"

HongBin blushed and scratch the back of his head but nodded. "Yeah"

So all this time I was jealous for nothing, ugh, Hyuk! You're so stupid!

The older held the younger's hand. "Hyuk, I know I have already confessed to you last time and you said you we're think about it. But now I want to know if I really have a chance with you. I love you Hyuk with all my heart, can you be my boyfriend?"

Hyuk was tearing up, which made HongBin worried, "Are you ok? Uhm, you don't want to be my-?"


"Wait what?"

"I said yes, I want to be your boyfriend! I love you too HongBin" Hyuk finally said those magical words that the older was eager to hear. HongBin smiled and hugged the younger tightly.

"Thank you Hyuk! For loving me back, I love you so much" HongBin said as leaned and kissed Hyuk's cheek. The sound of fireworks still echoed throughout the school and the new couple happilly watched it.

Meanwhile, JoonMyeon and YiXing smiled to each other knowing that they'd accomplished their mission. And suddenly YiXing hold JoonMyeon's hands which made the school angel blushed a bit.

Waahhh So cute! My Joonie is blushing!!!

"Let's go Joonie, they won't need us here anymore" YiXing covered his mouth while JoonMyeon was surprised at the nickname YiXing called him.

"Did you just called me Joonie?" he smiled.

YiXing shook his head immediately and pulled away his hand, "No I didn't"

"Yes you did"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

"No, I didn't!"

"Come YiXing just admit it!"
"Ok yes I did, happy now?" YiXing pouted and JoonMyeon swore he found it cute. He grabbed the dimpled boy's hand and YiXing blushed again.

"Yes, I loved it when you call me Joonie" he flashed him his angelic smile which made YiXing's heart exploded.

Oh gosh Joonie, that's why I love you so much!!! You're so handsome!

"And because you'd given me a nickname, then I'll give you one too, I'll call you Xingie, you like it?"

Joonie I loved it! It's even better if we are together calling this nicknames

YiXing just nodded blushingly. The two handsome boys then go back to their dorms.

//End of Chapter//

Waahh HyukBin is finally a couple!

But how about SuLay? Hmm, well find out next chapter :D

Btw sorry for the late update~
Double update for you guys^^

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