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I could drown in the pelting thoughts, cluttering my mind like a ravishing storm.

Drenching everything, leaving destruction.

I'm functioning, the blood still flowing.

My heart beating with each fleeting thought that's gotten under my skin.

Like a bruise, internally battered, peace shattered.

Marks left to seep, the pain that's contained repeatedly plays in my troubled mind.

Questions left unasked and things left unsaid.

Avoidance, the dread of reality sets in.

In the aftermath of the storm where tranquility in born.

The sea of thoughts no longer rage.

Just waves of feelings cling to the fleeting moments of surrendered pain.

Once again gaining the composure, to dry the tears and keep battling those relentless fears.

Tragedy trapped in a soul of wisdom beyond its years.

Do not repost, edit, or copy my poetry. It belongs to me.

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