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"Why? You didn't make me meet your cousins that only live an hour away, so why are you dragging me all the way to Wyoming to meet your monsterphobic family?" Nico asks with a scoff of disbelief.

"I didn't make you meet him because he's a monster hunter," I remind him, still playing with my vampires hair. "He would have killed you on the spot if he found out you were a vampire because he would have thought you 'seduced me' so you could turn me or something stupid like that."

Nico rolls his eyes, his long pale finger tracing shapes on my chest as I hold him close to my side. "What if your family finds out?"

"They'll probably flip, that's why we're gonna take a lot of precautions to keep it from them."

"What if they make up some story to the monster hunters that I tried to attack them or they say I seduced you to turn you?" Nico says, chewing his lower lip nervously.

"I won't let them find out, and if they do I won't let that happen," I say firmly. I'm very determined to keep my boyfriend safe, and not just because the other day Nico had admitted he thought of me as his sire. Being his sire meant it was my job to take care of him and protect him, and that he trusted me to do so. "I really want you to meet them. They may be assholes about monsters but other than that they're my family and I love them. They'll love you."

"If you really want me to I will," Nico relents. "But I'm nervous."

"Don't be, I think you'll have fun once you relax a bit."


I look down and realise Nicos been gnawing at his lip with his fangs the whole time, and since he just fed, he's bleeding slightly from where he's tore into his own flesh. "Hey hey hey! Stop that!" I demand pulling Nicos lip from between his teeth.

He flushes a little, "Sorry. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay," I say softly, wiping the blood of Nicos chin and offering it to him to lick it back off.

"Thanks," Nico says once he's got the blood back in his body.

The small puncture wounds from his fangs almost immediately heal back, not even leaving a scar since they weren't deep.


The drive to Wills aunts house was about 5 hours with only one stop and his mom driving over the speed limit constantly. I had drank at the very least two pints of blood so far so that I wouldn't immediately give off the look of a vampire at first glance but I'm still anxious. It was pretty late so the sun had gone down so at least I could take off my sweatshirt and sunglasses so I didn't look like a freak in the 100 degree weather.

"Don't worry Nico," Naomi, Wills mom, assures. "My family's not very bright, they won't figure it out."

I nod in understanding, grabbing Wills hand anyways for comfort. I trust Will, at this point he is practically my sire even if it isn't in the official sense. Technically humans can't be a sire for vampires in vampire culture, but when have I ever abided to vampire law before?

I mean, that's exactly what got me kicked out of my ex sires house, not obeying vampire law.

We walk up to the front door to greet his aunt and uncle, ignoring our suitcases for the moment. Naomi opens the front door without so much as a knock and walks right in. The house is about as nice as the outside, which is to say mediocre and rustic. I mean they live in the middle of nowhere in Glenrock Wyoming, what was I expecting.

Will smiles widely as we walk into the living room where his uncle and aunt are watching Tv.

"Glad you could finally make it," his aunt says sardonically. "It's only just about bed time."

Blood Stains: Solangelo Where stories live. Discover now