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'Everybody hunker down and get ready to be snowed in for a few days. State government has officially declared every road closed due to extreme weather.'

"I'm not complaining," I smile. "A few days locked in our cozy little house with nothing to do but each other? Sounds amazing to me."

I looked over at Nico who look absolutely terrified. His gaze snapped back to me. "I'm out of blood, I was supposed to go to the blood bank tomorrow."

My smile drops off of my face. I had completely forgotten that he had drank the rest at dinner only an hour ago. "It'll be fine," I say, trying not to sound anxious. "It'll only be a day or two. It won't be fun but you can get through it."

He worries his bottom lip between his teeth. "What if it lasts longer though? We've never had a storm this bad before."

"Then you can feed from me," I say nonchalantly.

I've tried to get Nico to just feed from me for years now. Since we were 18 to be exact, but I didn't start really pushing till he turned 21 five years ago because he always said he'd have more control over himself once he came into his inheritance.

Nico scoffs, "I've been telling you for nearly a decade now that that's not happening."

"Well you might not have a choice if the roads stay closed for more than a few days. You know that after 2 days without blood your body will start to die."

"No," Nico snaps, his eyes flashing red. "I'm sure there's gotta be some rabbits or something around here that'll die from the cold. I'll hunt first before I'd ever even consider feeding from you."

I pout even more. "You hate feeding from animals," I remind him. "It reminds you of when you were first kicked out. . ."

"Well I'll just have to suck it up I guess," he practically growls. "I'm fucking tired of having this conversation."

"Besides, you may be too tired and weak without any blood to hunt."

"I'll figure it out."

"Well if you'd just try it-"

"I said stop," he yells. "I'm stressed enough as it is, can you just shut up?"

I deflate, I don't like when he yells at me. He hardly ever does but every time it scares me. "Sorry," I whimper, pulling him back into my arms. "I'll stop."

"Thank you," he sighs, relaxing back into me.

I miss the time when he was half my size, ever since he turned 21 he's been about my size. He's still significantly smaller, but not even close to the same degree he was when he was still just my little fangling.

Nico nuzzles his nose under my jaw and starts kissing the side of my neck softly. Not the way he does when he's trying to turn me on but the way he does when he needs the comfort of me being close to him. I sigh contently and lean my head back against our couch as Nico keeps mouthing at my neck and throat softly.

Nico ends up falling asleep curled up into my side, so around 11 pm I pick him up and carry him to our bedroom. We both put our PJ's on hours ago when we settled in to watch TV so I don't have to change him or myself before getting to crawl under the heavy comforter to snuggle up to my Nico.


I was already hungry and it was only fucking noon. My fangs itched like they always did when I needed blood and I didn't know how long I could take that feeling. I never really understood to what extent my body relied on blood and how quickly I could die-or go insane if my gums don't stop fucking itching!!-without blood. I had never gone more than a couple hours after recognizing I was hungry before drinking blood.

Blood Stains: Solangelo Where stories live. Discover now