Part 6 - Can't help falling in love

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*After a couple of hours of y/n trying to explain what happened*

E - It's getting late, we should get to bed. I found a spare hellfire shirt that you can wear if you want.

y/n - Thanks a lot Eddie. You are so kind

*you both argue about where you will both sleep*

y/n - Eddie? Can you sleep with me?

E - Of course darling

y/n - I'm just so scared something might happen again.

E - Ok

*You both get into bed together*

E - Good night darling

y/n - Good night

*After some time y/n had trouble sleeping as you were to scared that if you close your eyes it (Venca) might come back*

*So y/n slowly gets out of bed trying not to wake Eddie. As y/n is about to leave the room you notice a ukulele and grab it quietly to talk it into the next room*

*y/n goes and sits on the lounge and starts to play the only song they know "Can't help falling in love" which your mum played and taught you as a kid growing up*

*As y/n starts to play, tears start falling down your eyes, as you miss your mum so much.*

*The door opens and y/n looks up to see Eddie standing in the hall way.*

E - Hey. *He says in a calming voice* You ok?

y/n - Yeah *you say as you wipe the tears from your eyes*

y/n - Just couldn't sleep that's all.

E - When did you learn to play?

y/n - My mum taught me just before she-

*y/n starts crying again*

E - Hey. Come here *He has his arms opened for a hug and y/n walks towards Eddie.*

*Eddie hugs y/n.*

*After a couple of minutes Eddies pulls y/n way to look y/n in the eyes*

E - Did you know you have a beautiful voice?

y/n - No one has ever said that to me. Thank you.

E - You're welcome sweetheart.

y/n - Sweetheart? *blushing*

E - Sorry. Too far?

y/n - No I actually like it

E - I'm glad. Anyway what's the time?

*y/n looks at clock on wrist*

y/n - Sh*t. It's 9!!!!

E - Sh*t. We should go to school.

y/n - Good idea. Can you take me?

E - I was going to anyway.

y/n - Thanks

Miss Hargrove (Billy's sister) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now