I like you, roomie (Silas x Cuza, Fluff)

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(Not really the ship more like Silas getting exposed by Valt, Silas chase Valt and then the confession and shit)

Genre: fluff

Ship: Silas x Cuza

Side ship: Free x Valt


After Cuza came to join BC Sol, Silas had been acting weird, he seems to be staring at Cuza,acting out more, being mor mean to people (Mostly Valt), but now he just can't stop accusing people but on one faithful morning Valt realized what was going on, he knew what he was about to do is going to get him killed, but he'll just hide behind his boyfriend for cover 'Right okay hear i go, since Free ain't hear Imma have to run to him... I just hope he's in the forest with his deer'

"CUZA, SILAS LOVES YOU" He bolted.... "AOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" Silas bolted right after him it was like a wild goose chase all around BC Sol, that day a live stream of the BC Sol bladers and BC sol itself was happening and their was drones all over the place, Valt and Silas forogt about it and well lets say all the bladers now know about that crush Silas has

----Live stream----

"Look at them go" the recorder says as the screen shows Valt running around BC Sol with Silas a few feet behind "Valt running around, oh~ look at that turn, Uh-oh a person up ahead will Valt stop and allow himself to get caught... NO look at that spin" (Ya know the spin hinata did when she was about to bump into neji)

----No longer live stream-----

"AOII!!!!!! GET BACK HERE" Silas yelled 'Wait' Valt stopped and when Silas was about to catch him he went the other way 'Cuza can save me i just need to find him'

-----Live stream------

"What's this Valt aoi suddenly changed directions, where could he be going, Silas Karslie just recovered from the shock and is back on Valt's tail, " Everyone is moving out of the twos way." Valt aoi is running back to where this started. THE CAFETERIA. Oh what's this Cuza Ackerman has fainted. Valt locked the cafeteria door and is running straight for Cuza." 

-------No longer Live stream-------

Valt put his pointer and middle finger to the side of Cuza's neck and expertly pressed on Cua's neck and that jolted cuza awake and right on time too cause Silas had just broken down the door "Cuza, save me" Cuza blinked then everything came back to him, he started to panic "VALT" Silas yelled ready to attcak the younger "Wait, hurt mr and i'll tell about what happened that day" 

"OHHH~ he pulled that on you. Wait wouldn't you be exposing yourself as well, Valt" Rantaro asked "Yeah, anyway, what time is it Yona wanted to meet up with me and i have hang out with Ceil and Hanami" Valt said completly forgetting the situation "I'm not done with you yet, Aoi" Silas yelled "Focus on talking to Cuza then come yell at me" Valt said running away at top speed to look for his blonde lover 

"So Silas....um" Cuza started "Fuck you, Aoi" Silas said before he grabbed Cuza and kissed him after 30 seconds, Silas dropped Cuza and said "Look... I like you, roomie, Obviously more than a friend or any type of friend will you date me" Cuza stuttered "Um-Well-You-I" "JUST SAY YES WE ALL KNOW YOU LIKE HIM" Valt yelled he had somehow snuck back in with popcorn "Sorry about him" Free said picking up Valt by the waist and dragging him, "NOOO, I wanna watch this"

"Well that was weird" Cuza said chuckling "Yeah" Silas said... "Anyway to answer your question" Cuza said getting up and putting his hands on either side of Silas's head then smiled and said "Yes"


(To lazy to continue so part two coming soon)

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