
22 1 1

"Stop throwing stuff at them." Emily laughed as James threw another French fry at a bunch of freshman.

"Seriously James, stop. You're going to go back to detention." Amy said drinking her water.

The three friends were currently sitting at their lunch table together.

The three have been friends since 5th grade. They are now in their junior year and are still inseparable.

"I don't know why you think I'll be able to stay out of there anyway." James said as he aimed another fry at a kid. When he threw it, a jock walked right in front of the path. James' eyes went wide as the fry hit the jock in the face. Of course it didn't hurt but jocks are always overdramatic.

The jock turned around and looked down at James. The brown haired boy sighed and stood up, walking to the bathroom with the jock following him.

"He's gotta learn to leave people alone." Amy said.

"Yeah, maybe then he wouldn't get swirly's as much." Emily nodded.

The two girls finished their lunch and bid goodbyes to each other before heading to their 6th period.

Amy walked quietly to History. She observed everyone she passed. Like how many of the jocks were wearing their football jerseys and their letterman's. They all look like a bunch of minions. The way they all dress the same and they always follow one certain person.

Then the familiar black hair of a boy caught her attention.

Amy sucked in a breath as she quickly moved passed him. She could feel her heart pounding and her throat closing up.

She turned around and made her way to the bathroom instead of history.

She walked into a stall and locked it. She closed the toilet seat, placing her bag on it and sat with her back against the stall door on the floor. She buried her head in her hands and tried to calm herself.

She started digging in her bag for something. But she couldn't find what she needed. "Fuck." She spat and she banged her fist against the stall wall.

She sniffed and wiped her eyes. She was afraid to go out into the hallway. What if he was waiting for her.

The tardy bell rang for 6th period.

"Fuck it." She said as she got up and left the bathroom. She looked around before walking to the exit of the school.

She walked all the way back to her house.

She unlocked the door and shut it. Walking up to her room, she noticed how quiet it was. Usually her dad is home. He only works nights.

She slowly walked back down the stairs before sliding her bag off her shoulder. She moved into the kitchen and saw a body laying on the floor.

Her blood ran cold. She rushed up to it and found her dad. "Shit!" She yelled and she shook him.

Her eyes were pouring with tears as she picked up the house phone and dialed 911.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"Hi um, something's wrong with my dad. I came home and he is on the floor. I don't know if he's breathing."

"Okay stay calm, what is your address?"

"Um, 155, South Raintree Drive."

"Alright what's your dads name?"

"Uhh David. David Daniels."

"Okay honey what's your name?"

"Amy Daniels. Please hurry up, please."

"The paramedics are on their way sweetheart. Can you please unlock the door and let them in when the come?"

"Yes. Yes I can."

Amy saw the lights of the ambulance and police car and quickly unlocked the front door. She opened it and the crew rushed in the house. Amy followed them and stood a few feet away, watching as they preformed all these check ups on her father.

Amy felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned around and saw a woman with fluffy brown hair. She had a blue shirt on and she had a thin black jacket over that. She wore black bell bottom pants and her eyes were blue.

"Are you okay?" The woman asked her.

Amy turned her head back to her dads body. She shook her head and her eyes filled up with tears.

The woman brought Amy into a hug and rubbed her back.

"I don't want him to die. He's all I have left." Amy cried into the woman's chest.

After a few minutes Amy stopped crying and gently pulled away from the woman.

"My names Rebecca what's yours?" The woman said.

"I'm Amy." Amy responded and she riddled with the right sleeve of her rainbow sweater.

"Amy, I promise you that whatever happens you will have someplace to go and you will be taken care of." Rebecca said.

Amy looked back up at the woman and gave her a sad smile.

When Amy looked back at her dad there was a cloth placed over him. Amy's breath hitched.

"I'm sorry ma'am. He has passed." One of the paramedics said. Amy took a few steps back and fell to the ground, sobbing. Rebecca followed her actions and rubbed her back.

Amy watched as the paramedics took her dads body out of the house on a stretcher.

"Can you come to the station they need to ask you questions. I know you had nothing to do with his death but it's protocol." Rebecca said.

Amy nodded and stood up, she followed Rebecca to a police car and sat in the back seat. The car drove off and Amy looked out the window. It was still daytime, the sun was just starting to set.

Amy swallowed and placed her head on the window. The window was cold, like the air outside. It reminded her of times when her father would come home early from work because the roads were starting to snow over.

They arrived at the police station and guided Amy into a small room with solid walls and just a door with a small window.

There was a table in the middle of the room with three chairs around it.

Amy sat down in one of the chairs and two police men did as well. Rebecca was standing in the corner.

"So, when did you get home?" The man with short curly brown hair and a matching mustache said.

"Like maybe 2. I came home from school after lunch because I wasn't feeling well."

"When did you discover your dads body?"

"I don't know like maybe 2 minutes when I got home. I hadn't even walked up the stairs. I knew something was wrong because my dad worked night shifts at the oil plant and he is usually watching tv when I get home. It was also really quiet so I went to look around and found him on the floor in the kitchen."

"Do you think he could've taken anything? Any kind of drug?"

"No. He doesn't do drugs, smoke or drink. He can't because his job requires you to do a drug test every other month."

"Okay. You can go now."

Amy nodded and walked out of the station. Where was she going to go though?

She found a pay phone and put two quarters in it.


"Hi aunt Lucille, Um. My dad, he's dead." Amy sobbed into the phone.

"Oh honey. I'm sorry. Do you want to come live with us?"

"Yes please. Please."

"Okay we will be there by tomorrow morning to pick you up."

"Okay. Bye." Amy hung up the phone and walked down the street.

She decided to go to the only place she could think of. Emily's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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