Chapter 15 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲

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A Few Days Later
Quinn's Apartment

Alessandro : -rings doorbell-
Quinn : -opens door- What?
Alessandro : Can we talk?
Quinn : .....
Alessandro : I know you're mad at me for yelling at you and I'm sorry I'm just- I'm frustrated with this situation.
Quinn : You think I'm not? And I haven't yelled at you have i?
Alessandro : Can we go somewhere to talk?
Quinn : Here is perfectly fine.
Alessandro : Quinn, please just come with me!
Quinn : ....
Alessandro : We won't do anything! No nothing.
Quinn : Can I trust you?
Alessandro : I would never force you to do anything you don't want to.
Quinn : it's not that..
Alessandro : Then?
Quinn :'s hard to hold back that's why I'm scared to go with you.
Alessandro : I won't provoke you. Now follow me. Please..
Quinn : Okay...

I grabbed my things and went with him. We got into his black Ferrari and started driving. Where is he taking me...?

Quinn : Where are we going?
Alessandro : You'll see
Quinn : I've never been in your car until now.
Alessandro : Do you like it?
Quinn : It's all black.
Alessandro : Black is the color of fancy.
Quinn : Is it?
Alessandro : Yes
Quinn : You should add some color in here.
Alessandro : I like my car the way it is.
Quinn : Have you gotten in my car? No right?
Alessandro : I believe not.
Quinn : I have pink seat covers.
Alessandro : Girly much?
Quinn : Not exactly- I barely wear pink.
Alessandro : Then why pink covers?
Quinn : I like pink on everything except on myself.
Alessandro : Why?
Quinn : I don't know it's this weird thing I have.
Alessandro : -laugh- Oh Quinn..
Quinn : Can I ask something?
Alessandro : Go for it.
Quinn : How many times have you been in love?
Alessandro : Two
Quinn : Only two times?
Alessandro : My first love was your mother and now, it's you. Funny right?
Quinn : What about Catherine?
Alessandro : If I tell you, you won't tell Emiliano right?
Quinn : It wouldn't be my place to tell him so no.
Alessandro : Emiliano was conceived on a one night stand. The same night Marissa left. That's why I married Catherine.
Quinn : And you never fell in love with her?
Alessandro : No, I love her as a person but never fell in love with her.
Quinn : Why not..?
Alessandro : Maybe because I was meant to love someone else..
Quinn : ...
Alessandro : I think it's a sign.
Quinn : -smile-
Alessandro : I was meant to make those beautiful lips of yours to turn into a beautiful smile.
Quinn : What a smooth talker you are.
Alessandro : Only for you beautiful.
Quinn : Are we almost there?
Alessandro : Yes
Quinn : Where are we?
Alessandro : You'll see

Minutes Later

Quinn : Why are we at the hospital?

He got out of the car without answering my question! He came to my side and opened the door for me.
I got out of the car and looked around wondering why we're here.

Quinn : I don't get it..
Alessandro : Follow me

So I followed him into the hospital. We went up a few floors. Once we got out of the elevator he walked towards the lady at the desk.

Alessandro : Quinn Alonso has an appointment.
Quinn : Excuse me?
Lady : Oh yes, the doctor will call you in a few minutes.
Alessandro : Grazie (thank you)

He went and sat down so I sat next to him confused.

Quinn : What's going on?
Alessandro : You have an appointment.
Quinn : What for?
Alessandro : Any guesses?
Quinn : ...
Alessandro : Exactly
Quinn : It's not going to make a difference!
Alessandro : I want to know who's it is!
Quinn : Even if it's yours it's going to be raised by Emiliano!
Alessandro : We'll talk about that later. Right now all I want to know is who's is it.
Quinn : -sigh-

Nurse : Quinn Alonso?
Quinn : Yeah..

I got up and followed the nurse into a lab. Alessandro followed behind me.

Nurse : First we're going to do a checkup and see how far you are in your pregnancy.
Quinn : Okay..
Alessandro : When was the last time you and Emiliano....?
Quinn : Um, a bit more than three months ago.
Alessandro : So around thirteen weeks or so?
Quinn : Yeah
Alessandro : Okay..

So the nurse ran various exams on me. I had to take another pregnancy test just to be sure.

Nurse : Okay here are the test results.
Quinn : How many weeks am I?
Nurse : You're ten weeks pregnant.
Quinn : That's..
Nurse : Two months and a half. Everything looks good with your pregnancy so far. Congratulations.
Quinn : Thank you..
Nurse : I want to see you back in three weeks. How does sound?
Quinn : Perfect
Nurse : You can make an appointment at the front desk.
Quinn : Thank you..
Nurse : Have a nice day!

We got out of the room and went to the front desk to make another appointment. Alessandro hasn't said a word. That's until we were outside..

Quinn : .....There you have it.
Alessandro : Quinn..

He cupped my face and pulled our faces very very close to each other making my desire to kiss him grow like never before.

QuinnHe cupped my face and pulled our faces very very close to each other making my desire to kiss him grow like never before

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Alessandro : Baby, you're giving me a baby.
Quinn : -smile- Yes
Alessandro : I love you Quinn. I love you like I've never loved anyone..
Quinn : I love you too Alessandro. I love you so much..
Alessandro : Then run away with me! Let's leave and get married. You and me..
Quinn : That's....No!
Alessandro : Quinn...
Quinn : I'm not calling off the wedding! Nothing is going to change!! I'm marrying Emiliano and I'm raising my baby with him!!
Alessandro : You're being unfair!! That child is mine just as much as it's yours! You expect me to watch it from afar?!
Quinn : Yes!! That's how it's going to be!! Now drop me home or I'll call a taxi!!

I got inside the car leaving Alessandro still standing outside. He stood there standing for a few more minutes until he finally got into the car.
He didn't say anything. He drove in silence. I do feel bad though. I think I was a little too hard..

Quinn : I'm sorry things are like this..
Alessandro : They don't have to be..
Quinn : I already have my decisions made so please respect them...
Alessandro : At least he or she will have my last name..
Quinn : Yeah..

He dropped me off at my apartment and we didn't say anything after hat..

To be continued....

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