I am so wierd/Poolouge...

4 1 4

"Hurry up Y/N! We have a ball to attend!"

"Okay Roach! Coming!"

I open my eyes to see my ugly, piece of trash, mother, Rachel.

I yawn as the sun shines through my 80 feet window. When I tell my friends how big and obnoxious my window is, they laugh and call me a wierdo. Anyways, jumping out of my 43.54 feet bed, I only have on an oversized hoodie and booty shorts with unicorn socks. You may be making fun of me right now for wearing unicorn socks but I think it's cool. 


After brushing my teeth and combing through my tangly 6 feet hair which is almost triple the height of me, I went into my really messy room to get dressed.

Because I'm play games and apart of the infamous boys in the castle, I only have one dress that I rarely ware but I have to where a dress today because its my brothers engagement balls. 

Out of my clooset comes a ruffled yellow dress that matches my golden hair perfectly. As I put it on, it almost looks a wedding dress because of how smoll bean I'm. Even though I'm a tomboy, I still slayin the dress. 


I look at the clock an realize...OH TO THE EM TO THE GEE! WE'RE 10 MINUTES LATE. Rushing out of my 100 square feet room, I grab my go to pair of shoes...


You may be wondering, "Why are you wherein a pair of sneaker to your brothers engage party!" Well, if it's not obvious... IM NOT LIKE OTHER GRILS!!!


Running downstairs, I see my stupid mom and she sees me. Her eyes widens 10 times the amount and she scowls.

"You look so ugly and trash and this is why you have no friends."

"Are you talking into a mirror?" I say and then I start fortnite flossing.



Hey guys! I'm the author and I hope you guys r loving this so far!! :3

Have a great time reading this ;P

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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