part 31

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I put her on my lap and sat down. Killian came to sit beside me and placed liam on his lap. So he will feed him today .

Everyone came to the dining table and sat down. Sonia was excited and walked rapidly to sit beside Killian but my mom outsmart her and quickly came to take the place.

Oh god where would you find such a supportive mother-in-law. Sonia greeted her teeth angrily when seeing this but she behaved and went to sit infront of us.

My father sit on his place and my papa sat across him.

My father signal the maid to bring the food and in the meantime, my brothers were talking with their friends. And my father was talking some business relating with papa.

I paid full attention on their discussion. Amiara was playing with my necklace.

She knew how to talk even if she is only 1 and a half year. But still she can't pronounced some big words.

Everyone was involved on their own conversations.

"Baby , what did you do when i wasn't there with you", i asked her slowly to give her time to accumulate my words.

If i talked in my own pace , she will find it difficult to understand.

"Mommy,  i went with grandma to tra-vel and she bought me a lot of things.

And she bought me many beautiful dresses and most of them is my favorite colour white.

She said to me slowly and she was excited when telling me all this.

The biological family was jealous seeing that i was talking so affectionately with killian's family and they tried to hide it but it didn't go unseen from me. I was good at reading people as it was a part of the mafia thing.

They have no right to say anything as they were never with me.

"Entonces, ¿cuál es el plan para convencer a la mafia francesa de que colabore con nosotros? Qué beneficios obtendrá la mafia francesa" my father asked killian's father. (So what is the plan to convince the french mafia to collaborate with us. What benefits the French mafia will get.)

"Le daremos el 60 % mientras le quitamos el 40 % restante repartiéndolo equitativamente.", papa replied to him.
(We will give him/ her 60 % while we took the remaining 40% distributing it evenly.)

" No es una pérdida por esto porque el 1% son 500 millones y calculen cómo es para el 40%. No se puede estimar exactamente la riqueza de ella/él. Él / ella tiene negocios en todas partes del mundo, "he said again to my father.
It is not a loss for this because 1% is 500 millions and calculate how is for 40% . You can't estimate exactly the wealth of her/ him. He/ she has businesses everywhere around the world.

"Crees que él / ella estará de acuerdo", my father said to him.
(Do you think he/ she will agree)

Just then the maids walked in with the food and served everyone their food.

One went over to me with a sneaky grin on her face which make me cautious. I became attentive from her behavior and  looked all her actions. She placed the food on my plates and she was looking at sonia and  smiling. Sonia was eyeing the food on my plate.

Then it took me what's going on. I looked around at everyone else and killian was looking suspicious. I put Amiara on his lap quickly.

"No one will eat their food", i said as i grabbed the maid hand and twisted it as she yelp in pain. I took my knife from my legs and placed it near her neck.

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