/13950\~Chapter 3: happy new year~/13950\

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After the winter ball, U.A. High closed for Christmas. Students filtered home over the coming days, leaving the grounds empty... I wasn't expecting to see Katsuki before he left, so it was a lovely surprise when he turned up at the door to 1-C's dormitory, fully blown out in winter clothing including a knitted scarf, brandishing a small, neatly wrapped present..!

Katsuki: don't fucking open it before Christmas...

He threatened, not that he needed to! Opening presents on the day was what made Christmas, Christmas..! After dashing back to my room to collect my gift for him, I handed it over with a grin he acted indifferent, but I noticed from the way he stammered his insult that I had surprised him by getting him something... Once he was gone, I scurried back to my room with his gift, setting it down below a Christmas tree just small enough to squeeze below my roof I spun around my room giddily elated that Katsuki had bought me something I didn't mind what it was-the fact he had bought me something was enough..! Looking at it sitting there below the tree, I suddenly noticed there's a tag attached! Wasting no time, I picked up the present and turned the label over

Katsuki's note: if you get bored, here's my number...

It was followed by a string of digits without the worry of anyone hearing me, I let out a giddy squeal, diving across my bed messing up my duvet in the process to reach where my phone was charging in the wall so I could add him to my contacts honestly, it was a relief I was so worried about being alone over the Christmas holidays..! It was nice to know I had someone to talk to, especially since it was Katsuki! Though most students went home for Christmas, some chose to stay in Heights Alliance over the holidays and I was one of those students it was too expensive and too far for me to travel home, so I was spending Christmas on campus Japan was not my homeland... I was originally from the america, where my family lived, but I had moved to Japan to attend U.A. It had taken most of my savings, and a chunk of my parent's, just to get me to Musutafu City..! I had known from the beginning that it would be a long while before I saw my home again, but it hurt no less, especially now that I was spending Christmas alone... Needless to say, my room was decked from tip to toe in as many lights and decorations as I could find there was no shortage of festive cheer to use as a distraction still, now that I was by myself, and with no Student Council duties to attend to, there was very little for me to do even though the school was closed, some of the facilities were still open to students such as Gym Gamma and the P.E. Grounds I planned to make full use of them before the winter ball, Katsuki-.. I still wasn't used to calling him by his first name..! It had urged me to train, to become stronger so that villains couldn't keep me awake at night with worry so I trained! I spent the first couple of days after everyone moved home for Christmas, like Katsuki and Shinsou locked inside one of the fitness suites, lifting weights, running, cycling, anything I could do to build my strength and stamina..! It was far easier for me to go all out when the gym wasn't overrun with heavily built heroes, too intimidating to stand near in fact, I outdid myself it was difficult, and exhausting, but I felt better for it mentally, not just physically the more I trained, the more pent-up stress I released it was so easy to sleep at night, even knowing I was the only person in my entire dormitory! On the morning of my fourth day alone, I decided to text Katsuki four days was enough time for anyone to spend without talking to another person..! Sure, I spotted the odd student in the distance as I walked to and from the Gym Gamma but it wasn't exactly an interaction per say-! Anyways after changing into my gym gear, fixing my hair up into a ponytail, I punched in his number then sent him a message to say-

Kerrigan- hey katsuki it's me I hope your doing alright!

His response came after a few minutes, and was very Katsuki-like...

Katsuki- I know it's you idiot! I don't give my number out to randomers..!

I suddenly had the urge to write his number down on every bus shelter and toilet cubical I could find! I returned to the gym, training as hard as I could..! I swapped messages with Katsuki every so often

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