Kaeya savs yoy 4rom bullies🥺🥺

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You wake up from a noightmare it was verwy scawy 🥺 you drweamed about losing your kaya you wake up and go down stairs still in your pajamas and you see the love of your life kaya in the kitchen making bread with fresh fresh but very fresh cum with a side of cum
And apple juice cause your so petite 🥺
Y-y-y-y-y-y-y/n.. you go hwug kaya twelling him two nwot wet you go y-y-y-y-y/n I would never let you go...I promise.. you better kweep thwat pwomise pwease...*sob* ofcourse my little kitten 🥺 now..give me a lap dance and toe pics for nitro my wittle kitten
Y..y....y...ywes daddy..after all of that you both went to go to school but when you got there you needed to use the restroom but you holded it in since you didn't want to leave kaya's side..but then he noticed how your petite body couldn't hold it in so he told you he would wait outside the restroom...you went ahead trusting him that he would wait for you
Then the stupid bitch klee came up to you and started bullying you kaya knew something was off and decided to go inside and found klee beating you up 🥺 then..he snapped and attacked klee to save his little kitten...you..then klee was getting beat up so bad so you stopped kaya but then all of the sudden the bathroom blew up due to someone having explosive diarrhea and klee's bomb that she had up that badonkadonk
And then you and kaya had your last make out session then died..

The end...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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