Chapter 3. ( A New Life )

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Chapter 3. ( A New Life )

It's been 9 months since Ty wrapped me in his arms while I had a complete mental breakdown. Dad's visit was the last straw and broke The Camels Back as the saying goes.
Apparently I got that bad Ty took me to the Phyc Ward where he said they had medication to help me cope. The Psychiatric counsellor explained to me that I was suffering from Traumatic Mental Breakdown, I wasn't mad or psychotic.  It was with everything that happened I'd pushed it so far to the back of my mind to keep myself together,  but everytime something else happened like getting shot ,almost dying from Sepsis  then my father's comments and actions since he came back into my life, all this was pushed back as well and there was no room left so the gates forced there way open and let all those fears and memories that I didn't want to remember to flood my mind, that's what broke me.
Ty visits me everyday as he's working in the same hospital and Lou also comes to see me. She told me that when Grampa read the report on my mental condition  and Ty confirmed it after talking to the counsellor which as my Fiance he was entitled to, my Grampa went ballistic and almost shot my Father. No one's heard from him since. The sad part is that Grampa won't come to see me for some reason,  but after my sessions I've realised that he probably feels responsible, for some of the guilt is on him also for controlling me.
The report of my Mental state of mind put the blame on two male family members trying to  control me , my decisions and every waking moment of my life, they deemed it as a form of brain washing and Bullying.
Ty said he'd rescue me and he did twice, I love that man with my whole heart, he's never let me down.
There starting to wean me off the drugs now as my Doctor thinks I could live a normal life as long as I stay away from two people.
Ty wants us to get married when I'm finally released and I can't wait, I've asked Lou to give me away.

When I was in my sessions my doctor suggested that a good form of therapy  was to write about what my life's been like and how I felt. I was given a book and pencil and decided to write about my life in general, what I've been through and how it affected me, my thoughts.
It really helped me to come to terms with everything from my earliest memories. From when I was little and hearing the arguments between my Mum and father after his accident in the Rodeo,  his decent into alcoholism and drugs, the way he bullied my mother and then turned to violence.

Grampa kicking him off Heartland.
The happiest times I remember were  from age 5 to 15.
That's when everything changed, the car crash that took My mum from me, the guilt I felt that it was my fault because I begged her to help me save Spartan.
As I got older Grampa became more controlling because he seemed to think I'd go off the rails as a teenager but I wasn't interested in boys back then. Then my father came back on the scene, he was fine to start with then when I turned 16 everything changed,
I wrote everything down and it helped me to express it on paper.
Ty would read it and I could see his eye's water up as the realisation hit him of not just what I went through but how it made me feel, my thoughts that I shoved into a room I'd greated at the back of my mind where I could close the door and forget about them.
I knew Ty was shocked at things I'd written,  he obviously had no Idea of what I'd been going through.  My counsellor also read it too, I'd written over 500 pages, I'd written a book right up to the present day, but I wasn't Finished with it yet. I still wanted my happy ending and I knew I was going to get it.
Most men would of walked away but the man I loved had stood by me all the way through, and I was about to get out of this place very soon.
I named my book The life of the Miracle Girl.

The day I'd been looking forward to had arrived and Ty turned up with a massive bouquet of flowers, I wrapped my arms around him and quietly cried into his embrace.  Then he kissed me so tenderly,  he opened a bag of brand new clothes for me and asked if I was ready to leave because he had a big surprise for me.
Neither of us spoke for sometime as Ty drove, it felt surreal being outside.
"You okay Amy, your quiet ".
"Yes fine Ty, Just feels weird being out of that place, but it definitely did me some good, I'm just taking it all in".
We'd been driving for about 45 minutes, I'd not let go of Ty's hand at all, then he pulls off down a narrow road and all I can see is fields and forests on either side . Eventually I saw an entrance and above was a sign 'Newstart Ranch '. We entered the concrete road in the shade as there was a forest on both sides. After at least a mile the forest gave way to fields  but still no Ranch House.  The road went up hill and then I saw it, it was beautiful, painted white and blue with at least a 10 ft deep porch wrapping around the whole house.
Then I saw the Jumping Arena with Jumps already positioned.  A Barn that was a least 3 times the size of Heartland's barn. Corrals and paddocks,  2 training rings.
I could feel the the tears running down my face and thought that this is just the outside.
We got out of the Truck and I saw my truck parked at the side of the house.
"Come have a look inside first, I know it would of been better to look for somewhere together Amy, but to be honest I didn't want you having to go back to Heartland where your Father is apparently visiting again even after Jack kicked him off. Seems that all is forgiven again".
"No, you did the right thing Ty, and I Love it, even though I've only seen the outside.  I couldn't bear the Idea of going back. If Dad's back then I know damn well he'd start as soon as he saw me".
Ty wrapped his arm around me and we walked to the front door, he opened it and I walked in seeing Lou, Georgie and Katie. It was a very emotional reunion to say the least. The Master Bedroom was massive with a large Ensuite,  Shower,  two person bath tub and two wash basins. Then 3 more bedrooms with small Ensuites.
A big farmhouse type kitchen,  mudroom, downstairs wash room and toilet, then a perfect large Lounge. Sliding doors at the back onto a 20 ft square patio as part of the wrap around porch.
I threw my arms around Ty's neck and kissed him still with tears in my eye's and told him how much I love him and this Ranch he'd bought.

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