Isabella's Birthday

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Alice: Did you guys get her a present?

Breona: No

Gabriel: I never do

Rosalie: Why would we do that?

Alice: I figured... I left a present for each of you to give her

Breona: Fine... but I won't be playing nice

Alice: Get changed and meet me downstairs

*Breona's outfit - When they get downstairs*

*Breona's outfit - When they get downstairs*

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Isabella: Finally

Breona: I'm only playing nice for the sake of my family not you

Alice: Happy birthday Bella

Isabella: Where are my gifts

*The gifts will be in their own chapter*

Breona: Here you go, Alice picked it out

Rosalie: It's a necklace. Alice picked it out also

Lexi: Edward and I got this for you

Alice: This one is from Emmett

Emmett: Already installed it in your truck... finally a decent sound system for that piece of-

Isabella: No hating on the truck

Alice: Open Esme and Carlisle's

Carlisle: Just a little something to brighten your day

Esme: Yes, you've been looking kind of pale lately

Isabella: Ow... paper cut

*She shows her finger*

Alice: Jaz, Jaz, it's okay. It's just a little... blood

Carlisle: Get Jasper out of here

Alice: I'm sorry, I can't

Carlisle: I'll have to stitch this up in my office... check on Jasper, I'm sure he's very upset with himself... and I doubt he'll listen to anyone but you right now

Breona: Edward

*Timeskip to the family meeting - Gabriel is at his house*

Edward: We have to leave Forks

Breona: Why?

Edward: Carlisle's supposed to be 10 years older than he looks, and people and starting to notice

Breona: I'm not leaving

Carlisle: I can tell the hospital that I have another job offer

Breona: *While tearing up* Mom?

Esme: Lexi, Bre let's go upstairs

*When they get upstairs*

Breona: It's not fair

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