It was our plan all along!

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Zayn POV

What the hell did I just do.I just list the love of my life and just found out that she is having a child.How stupid can I be.I looked around to see everyone dissapointed in me.I cryed and banged my first on the floor.I ran upstairs and cryed myself to sleep for the first time since she first left us.

Lucy POV

I walked out knowing the plan.I would always go over to El and the boys when ever Zayn is out or in his room but for now I have to stay somewhere. I called My brother Jason if you remember who he is.I asked him if I can stay and he said yes as he is staying with his girlfriend who has a sister my age.I got a call from El saying she told the others the plan and Louis was extatic.She told me to come over for know as Zayn is sleeping.I knocked on the door and was greeted by Louis who hugged me.

"Omg Lucy you went for 5min and I missed you!".I laughed and walked in.

" Hey guys!"They all came up to me and hugged me.I was only gone for a little while.We sat Down to eat and I decided to leave.

''Um guys I have to leave I'll come back tomorrow."they nodded and said good bye.I walked to Jason's house and knocked on the door to be greeted by A tall looking girl that I think is His girlfriend.

"Hey you must be Lucy!" I nodded as she let me in I started sweating thinking what would Jason say if he found out about Me being pregnant.I walked in and Jason hugged me.

"Sis I haven't seen you for ages!" (Picture of Jason and his girlfriend on the side)He kissed me on the cheek and smiled.I felt a pain in my stomach and whimpered.

"Are you alright!" I nodded and stood still.

"I think I'm gonna be sick!" I frowned and found the toilet and puked.I washed !y mouth and saw Jason with a confused expression.

"Do you still have eating disorder!'I shook my head.

" I have something to tell you Jason.I am Pregnant!"I saw anger in his eyes/

"Who done it I will kill him!" I shook my head and told him the whole story.

"Wait so you have been dating a celebrity and I didn't know!" I nodded and I felt someone hug me.

"Don't worry me and Jas will look after you and my little sister!" I smiled.

"Thanks guys I appreciate it!"

Kidnapped by one direction{In Editing}Where stories live. Discover now