*Orlando Interlude * **UNPUBLISHED 21 july 22**

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13 August 2037

~Orlando POV~

I look up as the guard comes to my door, banging harshly on the bars. "Get up!" He barks, gesturing to me. Reluctantly, I stand and walk over. I hold my wrists out and he cuffs me before opening the door. "Move!" He shoves me and I stumble but regain my footing. I mutter curses at him under my breath.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Shut up," He snaps.

I roll my eyes but keep walking, letting him guide me by my elbow. We walk down some hallways and through doorways until we finally reach some stairs. We walked down until we were in a basement. I look around curiously but keep walking until he orders me to stop once we reach a doorway. "I got a lot of money riding on you," He says, grabbing the front of my jumpsuit. "Don't fuck this up for me or I'll pay a visit to your pretty little girlfriend."

I frown, "What are you talking about?" I ask, hearing cheering on the other side of the door. He ignores me and opens the door. There was a fight ring set up with two men fighting. One was at least 50 pounds heavier than the smaller man, though he was not winning. "Shit," I mutter, looking back at the guard.

He shoves me forward, "You're taking the winner."

I watched the fight intently as the guard led me over to sit down. Guards were standing around, cheering on the two men. I recognized one of them from the lunchroom. It made sense why he was always bruised now. Cursing softly, I watched the winning fighter and analyzed his movements. One benefit of being a younger sibling? Knowing how to take a hit. The guy fighting was easily dodging the bigger man's hits and tiring him out. He landed a few good blows but was avoiding the hits at all costs. Finally, his opponent landed one and he fell hard but got back up. He landed a solid kick into the guy's temple and he fell, unconscious.

"You're up," The guard says, unlocking my cuffs.

I nod and go into the ring. I did not have a choice in the matter, really. I look back and see the guards passing money, cigarettes, and booze around. The guard who brought me here gives an "encouraging nod." I looked at my opponent who was drinking water. "Ready when you are," I call, flexing my shoulders.

The fight was quick and unfair. My opponent was too tired from his previous fight and I knocked him out cold before the cheers could finish their first sentences. After watching his moves, I had predicted that his defensive move was left-right-punch. I ducked under his jab and then hit him hard against his ear.

The rest of the day was other prisoners trying to knock me out. I finally fell to a guy who had 200 pounds on me and refused to get up. The guard came over and hauled me to my feet. I blinked blood out of my eyes, looking at him. Why were there two of him?

"I grossly underestimated you," He grins. "We're going to have a great time together."

Over the next few weeks, I fought for Brian Dodge. He would pull me from my cell at random times for fights and bet money on the outcome. If I refused, he would hit me himself, so I stopped. There were notable people who came to watch the fights. I had sworn that I had seen the mayor, Mr. Rossi, and a couple of senators but I could not have been sure.

Sore, after a long night, I lay down in my bed. I look up as a guard comes, unlocking my cell. I start to get up but he gestures me back down. "You finally have a cellie," The guard mutters and a young man comes into view. He was slight and had a crop of dark brown hair. He turns to get his handcuffs off and then looks at me. "S'up," He murmurs.

I nod in acknowledgment, "S'up."

"I got top bunk?" He asks, nodding to the empty bed above me.

"Sure," I said, watching him closely. He was rubbing his wrists from where the handcuffs had been. "Don't get any ideas though."

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