Have a glass of water before reading ( It keeps you Strong and Healthy )
Under his mask, Naruto's lips turned into a sad smile. He finished the letter and turned to Menma, who was hiccupping from crying for so long. While he pondered what he could say to Menma to make her feel better, he let out a sigh of relief.
The poor guy was under the impression that his parents despised him as well, as a result of the constant backbiting and hatred he received from the vile villagers. He said that Menma was every bit as brilliant as he was, despite the fact that he was worshiped as a god and lauded for his brilliance.
He ought to be praised for keeping the kyuubi at bay, but instead people hold a negative opinion of him. He detested himself because of something he couldn't change. Something that had been decided for him by his parents was abhorrent to him. After witnessing this unfair treatment of the villagers, Naruto completely lost respect for them (civilians).
"See menma," "Your parents adored you." As soon as it began, Naruto angrily cursed himself for getting off to such a poor start. When Menma turned to look at him, he gave a tiny start, and his eyes filled with a mix of sadness and happiness, which made them look softer.
However, the thing that caught him off guard was Menma's wet eyes. Menma was incapable of shedding any tears. He never even once cried. He was always saying that crying was for losers, but there was no way that he could be considered one of those.
Menma made an effort to smile, but Naruto was quick to pick up on the fact that it was a fake smile. "What the hell am I crying about, sh*t? "Crying for the helpless and for myself," Menma let out a startled yelp when he unexpectedly hugged him. More than anything else, it came as a surprise. However, the embrace was so comforting and reassuring.
After he had brought some peace to his mind, he all of a sudden started to feel extremely depressed, but he made another attempt to repress the emotion. "Let it all out," Naruto advised in a voice that was similar to that of a brother. After hearing those words, he immediately burst into tears, and he had no idea why or how this happened.
His suppressed feelings, which he had kept bottled up for years, were finally allowed to surface. He let out a scream, releasing all of the gloom and misery that he was feeling.
After about four to six minutes had passed, his screams transitioned into sobs, and eventually his whimpering and shaking were the only sounds he made. When Naruto and Menma were hugging, Naruto gave just a little bit of resistance, and Menma immediately gave him the signal to pull away.
"Feeling better, Menma?" Naruto asked with a grin on his face, fully aware of the response that was about to follow.
Menma rubbed his puffy eyes with the palms of his hands and mumbled out a "Yes" before getting up and looking around the house, with sadness still visible in his eyes.
He then grumbled something else. Naruto, too, stood to his feet. "Wow, if you had told me your father would one day become the Yandaime-Hokage, I never in a million years would have guessed it."
Naruto remarked while he scratched the back of his head and mulled over the various means at his disposal to steer Menma's thoughts in a new and unexpected course.
"Don't Lie. I know better than anyone else that you figured it out on the very first day that we started being friends. " This was said by Naruto without him even turning around to see the look of shock on Menma's face.
After recovering from his initial shock, Naruto approached Menma while simultaneously making a mental note of the fact that they were now able to read each other as easily as a book.
ActionHatake Naruto was on the edge of being consumed by the uchiha's famed curse of hatred. He was utterly unsure of what to do. Should he put the planet to sleep for all eternity, or should he follow the difficult route and forge new bonds? This was by...