1. Hey, fuckface

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I slowly woke up i dont remeber falling asleep but i guess i did, i sat up in bed and looked around hoping to see a glass of water but to no afail i saw nothing, i slowly sat up and quickly went to my window to shut it

"jesus christ its pouring out" i head to my bathroom and walk in to see the faucet on "did i leave that on?" i quickly shut it off before my water bill goes any higher, my landlord has already been up my ass about how high the water bill is. suddenly a drop of blood fell in the sink i gasped at looked up at my face to see i have a bloody nose which quickly turned into my face rotting

"no, no no no" i backed away from the mirror and slammed into the door i looked down at my hands and saw that they were already changing i stumbled back to the sink and grabbed my gun

i knew what i had to do i turned it on me and


my head shot up from my desk

"oh fucking hell" i sat up "it gets worse every night" i cautiosly made my way to the bathroom and turned on the light and splashed some water on my face.

(im too lazy to write this shit since its not intresting so ima skip to when carlos saves us from nemisis k? k)

i just drove a fucking car off a roof and that thing was still after me i slowly crawled back away from it but its long strides compared to my crawling wasnt gonna cut it

"Hey, fuckface" the thing looked up and around to find what said that  when a rocket was shot at it, his tentacle caught it and it threw it towards a police car i looked over at who said that and saw a man kneeling on a white car with a fucking rocket launcher the thing quickly switched to going after him but the guy shot him again making the thing fall to its knees the guy hopped off the car and ran over to me while dropping the weapon

"hey easy lady... i got ya" he grabbed my arm to pull me up

"who are you, what do you do-" he cut me off

"names carlos and im saving you" he slung my arm around his shoulders "cmon lets get you someplace safe" he wrapped his arm around my waist and basically forced me to come with him we ended up in the subway station which ive used many times before due to me not having a drivers liscenes we stumbled in and he let go off me so i could catch my breath

"I think were in the clear"

"fuck, i hope so" he turned to me

"weve been bringing survivors here" i looked up at him

"'here' where?" he nods his head at me and walked over to the entrance

"my boys have conferted some subway cars into a shelter" he looked back at me after making sure nothing was following us "its safe" he came back over to me and went to put his arm around my shoulder i put my arm up to block him

"im fine" he stepped away and put his arms up in surrender

"personal space, i get it lets go" he jogged over to the locked gates "oh cmon, whos the dipshit that closed this, sorry were gonna have to go around" i nodded and he turned to nearest door and forced it open

"hey what do you know about that monster" i slowly asked scared to hear his answer he stopped in the doorway waiting for me

"nothing ive never seen anything like it" he led us down a creepy ass looking hallway "but its no zombie it knows what it wants and wont stop till it gets it" he stopped at the corner and looked at me while giving me a toothly grin "dont you like that in a man?"

"no thanks hes all yours" he chuckled and looked at me again before turning the corner

"listen, i promise your in good hands im with the umbrella biohazard countermeasure service U.B.C.S for short"

"are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me?" a small flashback of their logo i saw in the mansion came to me "you guys are the ones who caused all of this"

"whoa whoa whoa whoa, what are you talking about" he stopped and looked at me, meeting my death glare "you dont have to trust me but im goin to the shelter, you comin?" he tried to open the door but failed so he gave up and just kicked it open "cmon its this way" i sighed and followed him something about him made me feel safe around him and when theres zombies roaming you need that kind of safety

This is either going to be a really good decision or a really bad one, either way im willing to take the chance just to have his hands on my waist again

Lets save the town first~Carlos OliveriaWhere stories live. Discover now