{1} Delinquents

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As you make your way down the hallways of Sarayashiki Junior High School, people move and make way for you to walk. This makes you smirk. Why? You know they know you can kick their ass. That, and they know you're good friends with Urameshi.

You continue to make your way to the stairs that lead to the rooftop where you planned to meet Yusuke. The both of you would sit and do whatever while classes went on. Classes were hard and boring, no need to attend.

You make it to the top and open the door to be met with warm sunlight. You smile. Sometimes there's just nothing better than the shining sun.

"Yo!" you hear a voice say. You know this voice to be Yusuke Urameshi, your best friend. You turn around and see him crouched down. You walk up to him and join him. You just sit in a comfortable silence and eat crackers Yusuke had until the stairway door opened. The both of you pause and watch as Keiko appears.

"Oh, it's you, Keiko," Yusuke says, unsurprised.

"Yo," you say not looking at her, watching Yusuke pour more crackers into your hand.

"Here you are, all right!" she says, sounding a bit mad.

You throw a cracker into the air for it to drop into your mouth but it was caught by Keiko who quickly grabbed it. You give her a friendly glare.

"Stop this! Stop skipping your classes up here! Ah, you're even both still wearing your street shoes!"

"Always with the annoying lectures!" Yusuke says annoyed, looking away from Keiko. You are watching the scene happen while happily eating your last cracker.

"What do you mean, annoying?! You're not going to make it to the next grade if you skip too much! You too (Y/n)!" Keiko looks away from the both of you and crosses her arms.

"Takenaka-sensei has been paging you both for a bit. Unbelievable! Once you do come, you're called out right away!"

You and Yusuke both haven't been at school in ten days and just spent the whole time playing video games at your house. With your dad always gone, you got free reign to do whatever you wanted with the crap ton of money he left for you to have as allowance.

"You've done something wrong again, haven't you? Anyhow, if you don't go, as a class representative, I'll be yelled at as well, you know," Keiko said with her hands on her hips. "Do you two understand?!" she yelled, turning to face only you leaning against the wall.

You turned to Keiko and saw Yusuke behind her. He was holding the rim of her skirt up and checking out her underwear. "White, huh?" he said casually.

Keiko's face immediately went red and she quickly slapped him across the cheek. You flinched, that had to have hurt since she sent him flying to the other side of the rooftop.

"YOU IDIOT! GROW UP! DIE! YOU PERVERT!" Keiko kept yelled at him. "How low! He hasn't grown up a bit since way back when!" she continued, watching as Yusuke kept trying to walk straight while holding his cheek. "Good luck with that," she told you, then went back downstairs.


♡ - - - - - - - ♡

"Keiko!" Said girl looked to where the voice came from and saw her friends hiding around the wall corner.

"Are you done?" one asked. Keiko stopped walking to ask, "What are you sneaking around about?"

Hesitant, the other girl replied, "You see, we're afraid of Urameshi-kun and (L/n)-chan, is the thing. You sure aren't bothered by talking to them." Keiko finished walking down the stairs and gave them an odd look.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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