chapter 2:the dinner

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Y/n drove to crowns cusiune and they orderd

y/n:so what do you like to do

light:I like warching anime and drawing

y/n:me too!

they laughed

y/n:what animes do you like

light: toilet bound

y/n;thats my favorite! what episode are youon

light: umm 8 I think

y/n:Im on episode 6

light:I can watch from that episode and we can watch together

y/n:aw thanks

light: no its no problem

y/n:I'm guessing that alex got u into toilet bound

light: yea she did

the food came and they started eating.It got quiet and they were both in there thoughts

y/n pov:I never realized thet light was acuatly (I can't spell) cool and kinda cute but he'd never think of me in that way so it doesn't matter.

light pov: y/n and me have so much in common its perfect we might be meant for eachother I really like her but she'd never think of me in that way

vrrt lights phone ringed it's a text from carlie


                                                                                                                   charlie                                                                                                                             ...

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                                                                                                                                               chocolate is better
                                                                                                                         no peacan
                                                                                                                                                      where are u
                                                                                                                           dinner with y/n
                                                                                                                                                         oh ok see u later then

they finished there food and y/n payed

light: ty y/n

y/n:its my plesure

y/n drove home and they both wen't to sleep

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