The downhill

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After those words i started looking in the mirror and thinking "wow i am fat"
There started my bad eating problems. I also started to fall in to a deep depression. Cutting my self and stuff like that. I was always the good team mate who got the teams back and when the season started after summer my team made me the captain. Coaches daughter Sally started hateing me for taking her place. This season went well we played good. Then came the season 2018 i was selected being the captain again. I played setter. I had lost almost 12kg. I was faster and i trained everyday. My jump was seariously awsome. My depression had gone worse but i didnt care i had volleyball. I ate almost normally. We were going to the wests championship tournament in 2 weeks and my sister was leavin to volleyball highschool. My team trained hard we had to we had chance to be wests 3th best team. Week before we had basketball on P.E and two of my fingers dislocated. I still played in the tournament tho. Just a bit tape in my fingers. Well we became wests 3th and it was awsome i was wests 4th best setter. After that tournament i got home and my mom asked me what highschool i wanted to go and she said she just wanted to know. I said the same my sister goes. Mum started laughing and called me un athletic, lazy, fat even and told i couldnt go there it would be waste of money. I screamed at my mom "im not fat child anymore cant you see that i have changed. Why cant you see that i try i really do. Why cant you see that" after that i ran to my room. I did something stupid. I was hospitalised and put on a mental hospital. No more about my life then. My mom didnt tell anyone why i didnt come to trainings for a month. When i came back to school and back to volleyball they asked where i was and i didnt tell then. I didnt tell anyone then. I had to be strong i had to be THE BEST CAPTAIN. After that i got meds for my depressio, anxienty an apparently i had A.D.D. Life started going better. But i didnt know what was coming for me then...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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captain of 3 teams falling from highWhere stories live. Discover now