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Well this is new taehyung thought to himself as he walked into the cafeteria, arms linked with Yoongi. Everything was the same, college kids talking, eating. Even walking in with Yoongi was the same. It Had been done before. Nothing was different except the fact he knew it was a dream.

He never did get use to the ability of being aware of his dreams. It always felt strange. But tonight taehyung would make an exception, as long as he wasn't having those kind of dreams he was grateful. Here, he could move freely. Do what he wanted.

"Yoongi let's go to the roof." Taehyung turns to him, a playful glint in his eyes.

"You don't wanna get food?"

"No, let's go." He turns, tugging Yoongi along in the direction of the stairwell.

"We've never gone to the roof before, why do you want to now?" He questions

"You just answered your own question."

By time they make it to the very top, taehyung is beyond out of breath. Panting and heaving.

"Yoo-Yoongi I don't think I can do this anymore. I-I can't continue." Taehyung holds on to him, his legs ready to give out. Yoongi being the only stable thing keeping him from falling.

"Taehyung-ah, you're really unfit but don't worry, we're here anyways."

"Re-Really?" The excitement in his voice would be heard if it wasn't for his constant wheezing." Shit isn't this a dream, can't I just make myself be fitter and less out of breath? He closes his eyes for a few seconds, imagining himself fitter and less winded. When taehyung opens his eyes he realises he's no longer wheezing, his face no longer flushed. Fuck yes it worked!

"Are. You. Al. Right? Seriously I thought you passed out for a second."

"I'm good let-"  the bell rang, abruptly cutting off his sentence.

"Shouldn't we go to class?"

"No. Not today. Today Yoongi, we make history. Today we go to the roof." He hears Yoongi sigh which results in a Cheshire grin from him. He goes to open the door, but before he can, two familiar boys step out.

"Jimin.. Jungkook.. you again?"

"Again?" Jimin sends  a smile his way, one that didnt send chills this time, instead giving him a flustered feeling.

"Noth-" taehyung doubles over clutching at his stomach. Something he seemed to be doing all too much these days.

"Stop it jungkook. I know what you're doing."  Yoongi throws a harsh glance at the taller male, wrapping a secure arm around taehyung

"Me? I'm not doing anything." An obvious smirk etched on his face.

"Yoongi it feels hot.Please make it stop."

Within seconds yoongis throwing a closed fist at jungkook sending him stumbling a few feet back. Seemingly making everything worse as the heat grows unbearable, his whimpers becoming moans.

"Hey let's get out of here." Taehyung can barely register the words, only the soothing tone of jimin voice. Before he knows it. The heat that had managed to spread to his lower half subsided.

No longer grasping at his stomach he managed to stand up fully, only to see jimin stood in front of him in an entirely different room.

"Where are we? Where's Yoongi?"

"You tell me.. it's your dream after all."

"I recognise this room from your photos... your bedroom."

"Bingo. I mean.. it's not entirely correct but you got the bed and the wall colours down."

"You still haven't answered my question. Where. Is. Yoongi." His question is more a demand and the tone only makes jimin chuckle.

"My guess is he's somewhere kicking jungkooks ass. He doesn't look it but Yoongi can be quite strong when he's ready. Especially when it comes to you."

"This is insane. This is a dream.. nothings making sense. I must be going crazy."

"You're not going crazy taehyung. This is in fact a dream. Don't worry you're free to wake up at any time. But maybe I can help you understand a few things." Jimin sighs taking taehyungs hand leading him to the bed.

"You're aware of the ability you have when it comes to dreaming, so what I'm about to tell you shouldn't come as a surprise nor scare you."

"There are things out there. Things that most humans wouldn't be able to understand... comprehend..." Jimin looks into taehyungs  eyes and takes a deep breath.

"But you're not most humans are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I know this isn't the first time you've had dreams like this. I know you wake up with marks not understanding why or how they got there."

"You're making any sense. Tell me what's going on."

"You're what we like to call a divine being. Yes you're human.. but you're way more in touch with the astral world than you'd know. You've ascended. The day you almost died was the day everything changed." Hearing Jimins words felt like the air around him ceased to exist. No one, not even Yoongi knew about that day.

"How do you-"

"I'm not finished. I know you didn't want to die that day. I know how much you regretted it. You called out for help. For anyone to help. I know you cried out for god.. and I know he wasn't the one who heard your prayers. That day you didn't just call out for god. You called out for anyone and jungkook was the who heard you. He... he was reluctant to feed. Hell, if it wasn't for you calling out that day, he probably would've died. But he heard you tae he heard your pleas."

"So-so what are you saying..."

"I told you there are thing out there that some people just can't comprehend. That day you almost died you opened a door for jungkook. You allowed him to feed."

"Feed? Feed on what? YOU'RE MAKING NO SENSE!."

"You. You're desires. Jungkook used that pain you were in, and turned it into what beings like him feed off. The desire you had to die. He turned into sexual desire. Those dreams you have. They're all jungkook. He's attached to you. He's feeding off of you. And he's not going to stop because.. he's insatiable."

"I-I don't know how or why but since that day, he's getting stronger.. he's not only affecting your dreams but he's doing it while you're awake. That day you went to the infirmary, wasn't a coincidence. When you bumped into him for the first time it had an effect on you. And the more he feeds off of you especially if you're awake.. the more you will weaken."

"Jimin.. what is he?"  The silence is deathly and taehyung can feel himself waking up.

"Jimin. What is he?"

"He's an incubi. A demon."

"And he's not the only one. Be careful who you keep by your side taehyung."


Taehyung wakes up with a gasp. He felt as though he couldn't breathe. The air refusing to go to his lungs.


"Yoongi?" Taehyung feels the warm trickle of tears on his cheeks. The saltiness in his mouth.

"You're fine I got you. It's just a nightmare nothing more." Yoongi whispers in his ear. Arms wrapped around him, rocking backwards and forewords.

"You're awake now it's fine."

Taehyungs mind is running as fast as his heart. With only one word circulating... Incubi.

I know damn well it was obvious what he was but it's fine. Anyways I'm drunk and I hope this chapter makes sense... at least somewhat. Long story short. Taehyung almost died he called out for someone to help him and jungkook heard him. Now he feeds off taehyung and taehyung only. It's becoming a problem. Jungkook is getting stronger he's able to feed off taehyung even when he's awake. And since he doesn't use anyone else, only taehyung, he's making him weak. The more jungkooks feeding the more hungrier he's getting.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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