red lights

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Touch me till my body is covered in bruises, each marked with love.

So wet, so beautiful "

So wet, so beautiful "

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The dark room was filled with the dim red light from the strip light that was on the corners of the wall.

Yara sat on his lap, on the edge of the bed.

Her eyes on the big mirror in front of her, which reflected her on it, legs spread apart, a bra holding her flesh firmly.

Sweat covered her, her skin glistening under the dark red light.

He kissed on her neck, nibbling on her skin, his eyes on her reflection in the mirror.

His finger travelled down her chest, her eyes following his hands on the mirror.

His finger grazed over her bud making her gasp.

The fingers travelling through her folds, making a heated feeling rise at the pit of her stomach, her heart thumping heavily.

She shut her eyes close, leaning against him, his simplest touch was enough to make her shudder.

"Open your eyes" He whispered against her ear, his hot breath fanning against her skin, "look at yourself" She opened her eyes, looking herself in the mirror as his fingers worked on her.

"Look at yourself, look how your body reacts to my touch"

His fingers were coated in her fluid, as he caressed her.

"So wet" He whispered against her ears, as she let out a low moan.

His couple fingers slowly slid into her, making her hitch.

His dark eyes, looks at her trembling self in the mirror, enjoying how his delicate touch can do wonders on her body, how she complies onto him, how she lets out moans every time he applies more pressure, on her sensitive skin.

He could never get tired of how she is so fragile and desperate, each time he touches, how her body reacts like she has never been touched before, but he has already done it all.

He loved how he made her feel, how his fingers let alone can make her shudder under him.

Yara's hands gripped his hand tightly, his strokes, with his thumb rubbing circling on her bud, making her head clouded in immense pleasure.

Oh how he was enjoying seeing her like this in the mirror, her chest heaving up and down, eyes close shut as broken moans leave her parted lips.

He retrieved his fingers making a whimper leave her mouth from the absence of his touch. He took his finger into his mouth, tasting her sweet juice.

He unhooked her bra, took her to sit on the bed, took off his pants and boxers, and got on top of the bed.

He pulled her close to kiss her lips, making her way to her neck, his finger kneading her bud, his other palm cupping her flesh.

He took the plastic packet from the night stand, tore it open with his teeth, putting it on his hard member.

He made her on her knees, looking ahead in the mirror on the front.

He positioned himself behind her, rubbing his tip, coating it with her wetness.

He pushed himself in her, letting out a groan, his nails digging into her waist, He gritted his teeth, throwing his head back.

He could feel her warm walls clenching his hard, the tightness suffocating his member, making him feel so good.

He moved his hips back and forth, the pace slow, feeling every little throbbing she made around him.

He looked ahead, his hands lifting her head by her neck, making her look ahead. In the mirror, it reflected their bodies.

His eyes raked over her, the way her body was moving forward in his each thrust, her mouth opened lightly.

Her eyes met his, filled with desire. He let out a curse under his breath, her reflection making him go wild.

"So beautiful" He whispered, leaning against her ear, eyes still on the mirror, he nibbled on her skin, marking what's his.

He pulled out before they can reach their high.

Turning her around,he made her lay on her back, hovering over her as he inserted himself in her, again.

Making her leg wrapped around his hips.

His hand sneaked around her neck, as he thrusted into her.

His hand choked her, gentle yet enough to leave bruises on her skin.

Her eyes rolled back, at the pleasure of his thrust, with his constant pressure on her neck, muffled moans leaving her mouth.

Each thrust was filled with so much desperation and desire.

He looked down, beneath him.

Her moans reach his ears in a beautiful rhyme, let alone enough to satisfy him. A light whimper left his lips, as she clenched around him, his mind overstimulating, by her.

"You have no idea, what you make me feel"

The darkest of night when everyone slept under the blankets, but the walls never did with the moans and groans hitting them. The hot air builds a barrier around them from the cold night.

Every touch one different from other, satisfying each other's needs, fulfilling the intense desire one relishes.

The satisfaction was what matters the most, and they satisfied each other greatly.

Love, lust, desire, they made every synonym possible.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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