Chapter 3: post it note

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The next day i woke up having the biggest headache ever. I don't remember much i just remember i drank a lot. I decided to make myself some breakfast and get dressed. As i'm in the middle of watching a tiktok when i get a message. From Sharky.


You wanna come over?

Sure i'll be there in 10.

read: 9:50


10 minutes later i arrive to the beta squad house. It still looked like a mess from the party yesterday. I only really came to see Niko. I felt kind of bad. But at the same time, if he liked me he could at least not be hateful towards me. Anyways, me and Sharky were watching youtube and eating popcorn until i excused myself to go to the bathroom. Well not really. I wanted to check up on Niko.

I stood by the door to try to listen to him speaking. I couldn't hear anything so i figured he was asleep. I slowly pushed the door open, hoping he was asleep. Turns out he was. I stepped in. He was probably sleeping heavy, since he drank a lot after what i said to him. But he did look kind of cute asleep. I then saw that on his desk there was a post it note and a pen, so i just decided to write my number and "Text me<3" and stick it to his phone on the bedside table for him. I then went down to Sharky again.

"Hey uhm Sharky?" I asked. "Yeah what's up y/n?" He said looking kind of concerned. "Could we maybe go to my house? I don't feel comfortable with the rest of the group here." I said, but he could see it was only because of niko. We then drove to my house and decided to watch a movie.


In the middle of the movie y/n had to use the bathroom. When she was in the restroom i noticed her phone vibrating. It was a text. Normally i wasn't he type that would sneak around and look at other peoples phone but today was different. I see it was a text from a number. I quickly realised that number was nikos number. WAIT, NIKO? and then i looked what the text said:

"Hey y/n, look im really sorry for storming off yesterday. The truth is that...I really like you."

Oh.My.God. Niko likes her?


Im so sorry i know this part is short lol but i had no creativity right now lol.

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