Chapter 1

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English is not my primary language!

Sorry if there are any typos, wrong vocabulary, or something else.

It may contain some offensive language.

All original characters belong to Monsta.

There may be some spoilers about Boboiboy Galaxy season 2.

So read it at your own risk!

Happy reading!^^

























Today the atmosphere at Pulau Rintis is sunny and calm, there are no evil aliens or other villains who are causing trouble today. This kind of atmosphere is what earth superheroes like very much, where they can rest after a long mission and endanger their lives.

"Tok Aba! One special hot chocolate!" ordered Gopal to the shop owner 'Tok Aba's Kokotiam'. "Coming right up!" Tok Aba immediately made the order.

"Hi Gopal!" greeted Boboiboy to his friend who had just arrived. "Hi Boboiboy! How is your condition? are you ok?" asked Gopal worried about Boboiboy's condition after fighting Codebot who lost control and nearly destroyed planet Machina. "ehehehehe I'm okay! just some minor injury" Boboiboy said.

"Even though it's just some minor injury, you'd better be more careful from now on, don't be careless," said Ochobot advising his master and also friend. "What Ochobot said is right Boboiboy, you have to be more careful so you won't get seriously injured" said Tok Aba while serving Gopal a special hot chocolate. "Okay Tok, Boboiboy will be more careful from now on when carrying out missions" said Boboiboy not wanting to worry his Atok anymore.

"Hey guys!" Called someone or rather a green alien, that is, Qually. "Hi Qually! What did you bring?" asked Gopal to Qually. "Hehehe here I brought my cooking!" replied Qually as he put the bowl he brought on the counter table. "Fuyooo it smells so good! What did you cook?" asked Gopal as he wiped away the saliva that was about to drip from his mouth after smelling the delicious smell of Qually's cooking.

"Today I cooked mutton soup!" said Qually happily. Immediately Gopal tried the mutton soup. "Uhk spicy!!! Why is this soup so spicy!! Gopal shouted after trying Qually's soup which tasted very spicy. "Eh, is it really spicy?! it seems that I put too much cili suci (sacred pepper) in earlier" said Qually putting his hand on his chin as he recalled.

"Here ice water to ease the spicy taste" Ochobot gave Gopal a glass of ice water. Gopal immediately drank the ice water to ease the spicy taste in his mouth. "Hahahaha terbaik!" said Boboiboy looking at his friend who was the victim of a Qually culinary experiment.

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